Chapter 23 - Intimacy

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*Scott's POV*

I was kind of embarrassed by my awkward behavior around Mitch. I was usually the confident one but that boy turned my insides to mush and I couldn't control what I was doing or saying. I could tell Mitch was trying his best to keep the conversation flowing and I was really appreciative of that. I didn't want to mention anything about that night and risk upsetting the brunette so I tried to keep my mouth shut most of the time, letting Mitch do the talking.

"So," Mitch spoke up after a few seconds of silence. "What have you been up to today? Do anything exciting?" I thought about whether I should tell Mitch about the panic attack I had at the football stadium today, debating with myself as to how he might react. Would he think it was stupid and laugh at me? Surely not.

"Well my parents have been home for a little while but they're leaving tomorrow for god knows what and they decided we should have a family day or something, I don't know. We had tickets for the Cowboys vs. Falcons game so we went to that but of course we were swarmed as soon as we got there and I found it really stressful," I confessed, hesitant to continue. "I kind of had a panic attack and I had to be taken into a random dressing room to calm down. But when that ordeal was over we watched the game from the private box so that was pretty good." I took a breath waiting for Mitch to say something; I hoped he wouldn't think I was weak.

"A panic attack? Scott that's awful!" Mitch exclaimed. "You're alright now though aren't you?" He had a worried look on his face and I was glad that he didn't laugh at me.
"Yeah, I'm fine now. I've always had the anxiety part but it's never been bad enough for me to have a panic attack. It was just the combination of the people and the yelling and cameras and stuff but yeah, I'm all good now." I smiled at the broken boy as he mirrored my actions.

"Come here," Mitch said, patting the opposite side of the bed on which his broken leg was resting. I happily agreed, getting up from my chair and taking the few steps to the other side of the bed and sitting back down on the edge of the mattress.
"I said come here, silly!" Mitch grabbed me by the waist, pulling me closer to him on the hospital bed although he didn't really achieve much; his small frame was light compared to mine, and it was especially hard as he only had use of one leg. I slipped my sneakers off and swung my legs onto the mattress in front of me, getting comfortable next to Mitch. One of his arms was still slipped around me and was resting on my waist. The feeling was reassuring and I leant back against it, being careful not to make the brunette uncomfortable.

*Mitch's POV*

I looked over at Scott who was making himself comfortable on the bed next to me. I admired the curve of his cupid's bow, the slight rosiness of his cheeks and the barely there stubble that littered across his jaw. His eyelashes extended far beyond his beautiful blue eyes and they curved upwards delicately, the blonde hairs almost invisible against his pale skin.

It was obvious that Scott knew I was staring at him because within a few seconds he was staring back at me, the blue of his eyes piercing my own dark ones. He smiled delicately at me, reaching behind him to move my arm from his waist to around his shoulder in order to become more comfortable than he already was. I retracted the limb and placed it in my lap, worrying that Scott would think that I didn't want to be near him when in fact that was the only thing I could think about.
"Scott," I whispered. He raised his eyebrow at me, urging me to continue. "You confessed your feelings to me and I think it's about time that I do the same." I took a deep breath and looked down to my lap. With each second that passed I became more nervous and I could feel my palms begin to get sweaty.

Scott reached over and grabbed my hands, taking them both and holding them tightly in his own.
"It's okay Mitch, you don't have to say anything. I get it; I've been awful to you and I don't deserve your attention, let alone your company. I shouldn't have come here, I'm sorry. I'll just go." He dropped my hands and began to sit up, swinging his legs off the bed.

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