Chapter 11 - Bruised

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*Mitch's POV*

I was relieved once Scott left and I could finally relax. Kirstie and I finished our drinks and we both drove back to her place to hang out for a little while longer. I couldn't stand the stares I was getting from everyone else because of the way I looked, so we thought it would be best if we just left. I pulled up outside Kirstie's house just as she was getting out of her car. She waved me inside and I followed her actions, getting out of the car and walking into the familiar place. Because I had to look after Faye so often before my mom met Avi's dad, we both often spent time here on the weekends and after school sometimes. We chatted loudly as we entered to house, signalling to Kirstie's mom that we were here.

"No Faye today Mitch?" Kirstie's mom questioned from the kitchen. I thanked the lord that she was in another room and couldn't see my face; she was like a second mother to me and I didn't want to upset her. She knew about the situation my family was in, and always welcomed us into her home with open arms. Kirstie's father wasn't around anymore, so she understood what we were going through, and she knew how hard it was for me and my little sister. If we ever needed to stay the night, she had a spare room set up for us. That didn't really happen now that I was older and could look after the both of us without any trouble, but it still felt nice to be able to have somewhere to go if I needed.
"Not today Angelica!" I replied. "Mom picked her up this afternoon." Ang didn't have to say anything because I knew she was happy for me. Kirstie grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs to her small room. My phone buzzed in my pocket, signalling a text from someone. Where are you love? Are you going to be home for dinner? It was from mom so I quickly tapped a reply, telling her that I would be home in a couple of hours in time for dinner; I didn't want to stay at Kirstie's too long anyway because I had homework to complete.

We spent the afternoon just talking, and I told Kirstie more about what happened. She had received the text too, but she took absolutely no notice of it.
"I have no idea what is wrong with that boy!" she said angrily.
"I've known him for a long time and he has never really been physically violent before. I think he is just upset for Avi's sake." I shook my head unknowingly, choosing to push anything Scott had said from my brain.
"I'd better get going, I have so much to do and mom wants me home for dinner," I said sweetly to my best friend. She nodded understandingly and we exchanged goodbyes before I left, avoiding Angelica on the way out.
"Bye son!" she yelled, laughing along with the statement.
"See ya mom!" I chuckled as I walked out the door.


I sighed as I made my way home. I wished I could have stayed at Kirstie's so that Mom wouldn't see my face, but I didn't have any clothes or stuff for school the next day. I tried to stay as quiet as possible when I entered the house, however Faye came running up to me when she heard the front door open. I pushed past the little girl rudely, turning my head so she wouldn't see the damage Scott had caused and running up the stairs to my room. I slipped my shoes off and chucked my bag onto my bed. I felt bad about the way I had just treated my sister even though to other people it would seem like nothing. Faye is a sensitive child and she craves approval from me.

I decided to brave going downstairs, knowing that I couldn't avoid my mom and little sister forever. Faye stood at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for me to descend.
"Mitchie what happened to your face?" the small girl gasped. She reached up to touch the discolouration, pulling back when she realised it might hurt me.
"It's okay sweetie, I'm fine." I lied. "I had an accident at school and bumped my face." She didn't need to know what actually happened; she shouldn't have to deal with bullying at such a young age. Mom wiped her hands on her pants as she entered the room.
"I thought I heard you home," the woman smiled, but her expression soon changed when she saw my face.
"Oh my god Mitch what happened?" my mom asked quietly.
"I don't want to talk about it,' I said coldly, walking past her and into the kitchen to grab myself a drink. The pair was still standing at the bottom of the stairs shocked by my sudden temper when I went back to my room. I took out my homework for the afternoon to take my mind off things and sat at my desk to complete it.

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