20 Questions Tag

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Hi everyone! I was tagged by FruitLadyAngie to do this challenge and I though I would do it and have a little bit of fun. Also I am currently working on the next chapter and I know things are going a little slow in terms of updates but I'm working a lot now and I just don't have as much spare time as I used to. This book will be completed though so don't worry, I won't completely ignore you guys. Love you lots! xx

1. Do I have a crush?

- Yes, I do.

2. Do they like me?

- Unfortunately I don't think so but we are only fairly new friends so I'm hoping things will speed up a little soon.

3. Middle name?

- Jane

4. Single or Taken?

- Single. Very.

5. Last person you texted?

- My brother's girlfriend

6. Last song I listened to?

- Catching Fire by The Fergies. They are an Australian band made up of 5 brothers and sisters who play in the city where I live. You guys should definitely check them out; they're amazing and incredibly talented.

7. Battery Percentage?

- 43%

8. Girl best friends?

- I have 3; Darcy, Taylor (who is an old friend that I recently reconnected with) and Bec

9. Guy best friend?

- I don't have one because boys don't like me ;)

10. Favourite OTP?
- Scömíche (Scott Hoying and Mitch Grassi, but if you're reading this story you already know that)

11. Why did I make this account?

- I originally made this account to read One Direction fan fiction when I was obsessed with the band but I'm keeping this account active so that I can share my stories with people.

12. Current lock screen?

- Picture is up the top but it's a picture of me and my friend Taylor with The Fergies at their gig on Christmas Eve

13. Birthday?

- 20th November 1998, so that makes me 17 years old.

14. Favourite Doctor?

- Not really sure what this is asking haha?

15. Favourite Movies?

- Anything with Emma Stone in it. I don't have an absolute favourite but I like romantic comedies and kids movies because I am a child at heart

16. Country you live in?

- Australia

17. Gender?

- Female

18. Favourite Food?

- Probably watermelon, but I like a lot of foods

19. Best school subject?

- Not sure if this is asking what subject I'm best at or what my favourite subject is so I'll answer both (even though I graduated like 2 months ago). My favourite subject at school was definitely Home Economics and I was best at that or English.

20. Do you think you are a good writer?

- I don't think I'm a terrible writer but I obviously can't be compared to someone like J.K. Rowling or someone amazing like that.

I nominate chelseahlunzagaunicorn1723theannoyingwyatt and electricbeatrix16

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