Chapter 12 - My Angel

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*Scott's POV*

After our little conversation, I worked for another 20 minutes before Miss Edwards suddenly dismissed me.
"Look Scott, I have work to do and I honestly don't want to spend my afternoon supervising dentition with only one person. You can go, but you have to promise me you'll go straight home. Don't cause any trouble and don't do anything stupid. And don't tell anyone I let you out early." She packed up her possessions and waited for me to leave the room before she closed the door behind both of us. Just as I turned around to walk away, she grabbed my sleeve to gain my attention.
"If you ever need anything, please come to me and we'll talk about it. I know you're not very well behaved usually but I can tell you are really cut up about what you did and I know that you are sincerely sorry. Think about it Scott." I nodded, slightly confused and began to walk in the opposite direction.

I had planned on going straight home and following the directions of Miss Edwards, but I decided against it. I wandered around the hallways for a little while, before heading to the music room. I rarely spent time in there anymore, but I used to go there most days after school in my freshman year to just hang out and have some time to myself in a different setting. It was nearly 4:30, and I hadn't realised that I had stayed so late. The only people that were usually here at this time was the janitors, and even then they would be leaving soon. Some teachers stayed behind to mark papers or something but there were only a few. I opened the door to the music room and stepped inside, enjoying the feeling of being in the room after so long.

*Mitch's POV*

I had stayed after school to tutor some freshman; now that mom was able to pick Faye up from school in the afternoons I could sign up for the tutoring program. I looked at my watch and noticed the time.
"Okay guys," I addressed the couple of kids that I was helping. "It's getting kind of late so we're going to pack up and I'll see you next week!" I gathered my supplies and made sure they had all left the room before I locked the door behind me. I went to administration and signed out for the day; they liked to keep track of who was staying late so they didn't think some random was in the school. I walked through the hallways slowly, taking my time getting to the car. I stopped suddenly when I heard singing. It was an unfamiliar voice; I had been in the choir since I started at the school and I had never heard something so beautiful. The person who was singing had definitely never been a part of the choir that's for sure; they would have been getting all of the solos if they were.

I followed the voice until I was standing in front of the door to the music room. I peaked into the little window and was shocked to see Scott standing in the middle of the room belting out 'Halo' by Beyoncé. His angelic voice travelled throughout the quiet hallway and I closed my eyes for a moment, enjoying the sound of his voice. His back was turned to the door and I was glad he couldn't see me acting like a creep and watching him. I couldn't believe that behind that rough exterior was a soft and gentle yet powerful voice that was perfectly on key.

I gained a moment of confidence and slowly turned the handle, hoping the door wouldn't creak as I opened it. To my luck, it didn't make a noise and I stepped quietly inside the room. Scott's voice was louder now that I was closer to him and there wasn't a door between us; it sounded more amazing than I had initially thought. I knew it was a risk; I wasn't exactly in Scott's good books right now but I decided to take a chance. I stood patiently, appreciating the incredible sound.

*Scott's POV*

I stood in the middle of the room, trying to decide on what I was going to sing. A list of songs ran through my mind, before it landed on 'Halo' by Beyoncé. I absolutely loved her, although I'd never tell anyone that. I have all of her songs memorised and I could sing any of them on command without fault. I started the first verse of the song, getting lost in the lyrics by the second line. I let my voice take over, and I closed my eyes not caring if anyone heard me; it's not like there were many people around anyway.

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