Chapter 39 - Making It Up

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*Scott's POV*

I know I've majorly screwed up, but I have no idea how to make it better. If I could take back what I did of course I'd do it in a heartbeat but that's not possible. Mitch is sunshine on a rainy day; he's the most positive person in my life right now and I can't afford to lose someone I love so much. But there is no way I'm telling anyone else about my sexuality; I'll get eaten alive at school and I know what Mitch said about popularity is totally true but I just can't bring myself to do it.

Avi is the only I can put my trust in and even telling him would be incredibly risky. He would never do anything to intentionally put me down but I can't rely on him not to accidentally let something slip out. It would completely ruin the façade I've built up for years and I can't let that all come crashing down in just a few seconds.

I exhaled heavily and flopped onto my bed, spreading my arms and legs out to the side of my body and closing my eyes. A million things ran through my head as I lay silently, debating with myself as to what to do about the situation I had gotten myself stuck in. I may not be able to give Mitch the one thing he wants; a confession but I'm going to do everything else in my power to get him to forgive me.


"Hi Miss Grassi," I spoke into the phone, my voice peppy and polite.
"Scott, what have I told you about calling me Miss Grassi! I think you've been to my place enough times to call me Nel!" I laughed at the remark and spoke once more.
"Nel," I emphasized the use of the name. "Mitch is kind of mad at me right now and I need to make it up to him. If I were to call and ask him out on a date I'm 98% sure he would tell me to piss off and say no, but if you can convince him to get out of the house with you and meet me at Bob Cooke Park tonight I'm hoping I can get him to forgive me. I've got something simple yet romantic planned and if you could have him there by 7 that would be absolutely amazing!"
I held my breath, waiting for Nel to confirm the plans. It's only a date but it's so important to me that he shows up and realises how sorry I am.
"Scott, honey of course! You two are adorable and I'd do anything to support my son and his soon to be boyfriend." She let out a breathy laugh as I did the same on the other end of the line, talking for a little while longer before eventually saying our goodbyes and hanging up.

I went downstairs after putting my phone on charge to check the contents of the fridge to which my dismay was fairly sparse. I sighed in annoyance and shut the fridge door harder than usual, deciding that having to go back out was worth it as long as I got my boy back.

*Mitch's POV*

"Mitch!" Mom yelled from downstairs, her footsteps echoing as they ascended up the stairs and onto the landing.
"Mmm?" I hummed, not taking my eyes off the book I was reading. After a short silence, I looked up at my mother who was standing by my bed, staring at me weirdly and grinning widely. Strange.
"What?" I asked, slightly annoyed by the way she was looking at me.
"Tonight we are going out as a family, so I need you have a shower and get dressed into some nice clothes. We haven't been out together in a long time and I thought it would be fun!"
"But I already have my night planned out! I was going to read some more, maybe hop in the bath for a while and then head to be early. I'm kinda mad at Scott right now and I just want to be alone. Can't you and Faye just go out and I can stay here?"
"No, Mitch I already told you. We are going out as a family; now get up and get your butt into that shower!" I groaned but complied with the orders of my mother, dragging myself off the bed and into the bathroom to begin getting ready.

I kept the towel wrapped around my waist as I exited the bathroom, making my way over to the closet to pick out "something nice." I decided on my usual kind of look; black skinny jeans and a patterned button up shirt to make the outfit more interesting. I rifled through my small selection of jackets, finally settling on a black leather one I have never really worn. I styled my hair as I usually did and picked out a pair of shoes to finish off the look. I checked my watch and made my way downstairs to wait for Mom and Faye to finish up getting ready.

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