Chapter 15 - Notifications

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*Scott's POV*

Now that I was in choir, I was able to spend more time with Mitch but that was just at school and it was only 3 times a week. I wanted an excuse to see him out of school and a party was the perfect reason. I hadn't thrown one in a while and I thought it was about time anyway.
"Mom!" I yelled from my room, hoping she would hear me. I didn't receive and answer but I soon heard footsteps coming down the hallway towards my room.
"You called?" the woman smiled as she entered the room, sitting beside where I was laying on my bed.
"How do you feel about letting me have a party here on Friday night? It's not going to be anything too big, just a few friends having drinks." It wasn't a total lie, but a 'few friends' might be a bit of an understatement. I think Mom felt guilty about leaving me home alone so much so she gave in very easily.
"As long as it doesn't get too loud Scott, you know how the neighbours feel about us being noisy." I sat up from my position on the bed and hugged my mom, thanking her in the process.

Friday was the day after next and I needed to get this party sorted. I grabbed my laptop from my desk and sat at the chair that was placed in front of it, opening it up and powering it on. I logged onto Facebook, going to Mitch's profile straight away and sending him a friend request. I created an event and invited almost everyone on my friends list that was a senior as well as some juniors I was friends with.

Soon, my notifications were flooded with people accepting the invite to the party, but I was still waiting for Mitch's name to pop up to tell me that he had accepted my friend request. I eventually gave up and went to sleep, hoping that there was a notification on my phone in the morning telling me that he was coming.

*Mitch's POV*

My phone buzzed and I grabbed it from where it was sitting on the desk in front of me.
Two notifications were on the screen and I had to read them twice to make sure I had seen it correctly.
Scott Hoying requested to be your friend and Scott Hoying has invited you to his event 'Partaaay.' I raised my eyebrows in surprise and decided to wait until the morning to respond; I didn't want to look desperate. I couldn't get the smile off of my face and I couldn't believe that he wanted me to be his friend on Facebook, let alone attend a party at his house. I was beyond excited that I would get to see him outside of school but I was nervous as I remembered what happened last time we were alone at a party.


The first thing I did when I woke up in the morning was respond to Scott's notifications. I accepted the friend request and looked over the details of the party. I saw that over 100 people had already said that they were going and my stomach turned a little. Cassie's party was nowhere near that big, but I guess she isn't as popular as Scott. I badly wanted to go; this was my opportunity to break the ice with Scott and maybe become friends with him. I want to have an actual conversation with him rather than just a bit of playful banter every now and then. I know that there is a lot more to him than meets the eye and I'm determined to found out who the real Scott Hoying is.

I got dressed and grabbed my backpack, walking down the stairs to meet my mom and Faye for breakfast. The food was already on the table and they were both sat waiting for me so they could start. I chucked my bag down on the floor beside me and sat down next to Faye and opposite Mom.
"So," I started. "Scott Hoying is having a party at his place on Friday night and I was wondering if I could go." Mom looked at me slightly confused but agreed, mumbling to herself that I needed to get out of the house more anyway and continuing to eat her breakfast.

*Scott's POV*

Today was Thursday and it was a choir day. As well as Wednesday, we also had practice on Mondays. I counted down the minutes until 4th period, when I was finally able to see Mitch in choir. My mind always seemed to gravitate towards the small boy and I was beginning to think that maybe I should be a little nicer to him. Mitch is usually very quiet from what I've gathered but it's like he is in another world when we are together. He comes out of his shell and becomes this sassy, gorgeous boy with confidence and I'm starting to like that way he acts in my presence. Wait, did I just say gorgeous?

I shook my head to clear the thought and walked quickly to the rehearsal room, eager to be there early in case I could catch Mitch before we started. I felt nervous for some reason, but I opened the door and walked inside, grabbing a seat on the middle row of the choir stands and waiting for everyone to arrive. To my dismay, Mitch wasn't yet in the room but as soon as the thought popped into my head, the brunette walked through the door, his fair falling from his forehead as he kept his head down.

He looked up and our eyes met, a shy smile spreading across both of our faces. I thought for sure that goody two shoes would find a seat in the front row of the choir stands but to my surprise he walked in my direction and sat down next to me with a small sigh. We sat in an awkward yet somehow comfortable silence until Miss Kirkland appeared at the front of the room.
"Is everyone ready?" she asked, clapping her hands together in the process.

She must have forgotten that I had only joined the choir yesterday and I hadn't actually heard them sing anything. I raised my hand respectfully and waited for Miss Kirkland to address me.
"Ah Scott, I forgot you were here! Can I just get you to sit off to the side for a moment while we sing 'Royals' through once and I'll see where we can fit you in." I did as I was told and took a seat to the side of the room to observe and try to get a hang on the baritone part of the arrangement.

The students sang in an a Capella style, not needing any accompaniment for the rendition of the song. I was surprised at the professionalism of a school choir and I was happy that I was now part of it. There were some really talented beat boxers and bass singers but the whole choir had an amazing sound.

Miss Kirkland clapped quietly when the students had finished the song and I joined in for a few seconds.
"Awesome guys, you sound incredible!" she exclaimed happily.
"Now I have some good news for you all. There is a competition coming up in about a month and I've signed us up. As usual, we'll be staying at the venue on the Friday and Saturday nights and returning back to school on Sunday. I'll write up a permission and payment slip for you all and you'll have it in your hot little hands by next week. Make sure you get a parent or guardian to sign and pay for the bus, accommodation and anything else before we leave for the competition."

Everyone started chatting excitedly to each other about the competition. Miss Kirkland made her way over to me, pointing in Mitch's direction and telling me to stand next to him in the baritone section. I stood from my seat and went and stood next to Mitch, smiling at him as I did so.
"Hi," I said. Mitch replied with a simple "hey." I practiced with the choir for the rest of the lesson, slowly learning my part and fitting in to the new setting.

*Mitch's POV*

"Hey Mitch wait up!" I heard a voice yell as I exited the rehearsal room. I turned around to see it was Scott, and a grin crept onto my face.
"Hey Scott," I replied. "So how do you think you went in your first choir rehearsal?" I looked at him, waiting for an answer to my question.
"Yeah, not too bad I think! I hope I'll be able to learn all of the arrangements before the competition." I found it unusual that Scott was being so nice to me. Usually, by now he would have insulted me or hurt me or something but nothing so far; and I was glad.
"So are you coming to my party tomorrow night?" he asked somewhat timidly.
"Uh yeah, I am!" I replied coolly, trying not to sound too excited.

"Cool, I'll see you round then." Scott left my side quickly, running to catch up with his friend Avi who was standing at his locker.

A/N - New chapter y'all!! Hope you enjoyed and are having a lovely day. Don't forget to comment and vote. Love youuuuuuuu! Also, if we can get to 85 votes or more I'll post the next chapter as soon as possible!!

- Abby xx

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