Chapter 7

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Max's POV

The next morning I set out towards the dragon sanctuary with Shadow and Thunder. He left Streak in charge of training the Skrills for battle.

"It's been a long time since you've been back to the sanctuary." I said lying back on the saddle.

I don't miss the place. Sure the king was nice but I liked being alone.

"But then you met me." I pointed out.

Yes then I met you.

"Ya know, our relationship is very different compared to my father's and Toothless. Their's is so much cuter and ours is so honest." I tried to explain.

We're brutally honest.

"Correct my dear friend." I agreed.

Shhh. Dragons behind us. Four of them. And riders.

"It's my dad's friends! Into the clouds!" I pulled up my hood and Shadow took off higher up. "Thunder can you cover us?!"

You got it!

"Don't get captured or I'll be in trouble!" I called after him.

He dove breaking the clouds and roared.

Shadow continued on faster to the sanctuary and landed a few minutes later.

Thunder's POV

I appeared in front of the dragon riders and roared.

"Uh-oh..." The girl on a Nadder gulped.

Max's POV

Shadow and I walked to the cavern of the sanctuary, "Whoa..."

This place changed.

I noticed down below, far below, ice shards were scattered across the ground and a viking helmet lay among the pieces.

"Down there!" I pointed and started to run down the cliffside.

I skidded across the ice to the shards and knelt beside the helmet. I picked it up and looked over the old metal helmet.

We should show Hiccup.

I placed the helmet inside the saddle bag and proceeded into the cavern. Loads of dragons started to land forming a path and watching us intently.

"I need your help!" I announced. "A great evil is coming for Berk! And I'm the only one who can stop to it! I need some of you to help me destroy the enemy!"

What do you need us to do? A large almost black with silver underbelly Stormcutter stepped forward from the path.

"I need you to trust me. To pretend to trust the evil. Until it is time to turn on them and destroy the fleet. A Trojan Horse if you would." I explained waving my hands around.

I've heard stories about that. Shadow pointed out.

The Stormcutter nodded, We'll do it.

"Come with us. We have some training." I climbed on Shadow.

You're going to start a war aren't you?

"Yes my dear Stormcutter friend." I grinned. "That's exactly what I plan to do."

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