Chapter 16

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Hiccup's POV Next Morning

"Have you seen Max? I didn't hear her come in last night." I asked Astrid.

"No. After training she said she was just going to hang out by the sea stacks for a while." She shrugged.

"I'll go find her." I climbed on Toothless and he took off.

Max's POV

Max wake up...

"I don't wanna..." I groaned.

Your father is coming. I can see Toothless getting ready to dive.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I grabbed some bread from the saddle bag and started to chew on it.

"Where have you been?!" My father asks as Toothless lands.

"Sorry I must've fallen asleep. I wanted some alone time and then I fell asleep." I replied not moving from my spot against Shadow.

"You had me worried!" My father stressed.

"Dad. Chill. I was with Shadow the whole time. I've survived ten years on my own, started and won a war. I think I'm okay." I finished my bread and stood up.

"Fine. Fine. Come on. Let's go home." He climbed on Toothless and waited for me.

"Alright I'm coming." I swung my leg over the saddle and Shadow took off.

Shadow followed Toothless home and we soon landed in front of the house.

"Next time don't fall asleep like that!" My father hissed as we walked inside.

What has his pants in a bunch?

I giggled at Shadow's remark and Toothless glared at us. I glared back and won the contest.

"Max! I'm so glad you're back! There's a dragon race today and you should join us." My mother said.

"Dragon race?!" I raised an eyebrow and grinned in excitement.

"You catch sheep for points. The white sheep are 1 point and the black sheep is 10 points. You father always won whenever he raced." My mom explained.

"But I'm chief now so I can't race as much as I used to. So Max you better kick everyone's butt today." Hiccup smirked.

I patted him on the shoulder and went to leave, "Will do."

Shadow and Toothless followed me out and I decided to stroll to the Academy.

Max, I remember you. The times we had together. Even our special little place. Toothless purred.

I smiled, "What was it?"

Before you disappeared you were only out alone if I came with you. And I always led you to the cove. Hiccup built a way for me to get out because I can't fly.

"We'll have to go sometime after the race." I replied.

We're going to kick ass. Shadow interjected as we got there.

I climbed on Shadow and got ready to beat everybody to a pulp.

"Wait!" Hiccup called. He ran forward with a bowl of dark blue paint. He dabbed some on his fingers and dragged it across both of my cheeks. "There. Now you're ready to race."

"Thanks Dad." I smirked as he went over to the podium.

He waved his hands to get everybody's attention, "Today my daughter will be joining us!!!"

Everyone cheered as the horn blew and we all took off.

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