Chapter 22

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Max's POV

That night I was sitting in the Great Hall across from Jack. There were lanterns lighting up the hall and the skylight was open revealing the stars.

"It's gorgeous in here." I murmured.

"You're skeptical. I can tell." Jack pointed out.

"About what? The fact that I didn't think this was going to be romantic or?" I trailed off not wanting to finish.

"About me." Jack replied resting his hands on the table.

"I've been on my own for ten years of my life. Just Shadow and me. Every island I've been to I never got close to anyone because of who I was. I took on enemies greater than who my father faced. I took on the challenge to change the world for better. To help people trust dragons. So yes I'm skeptical, only because I've kept my distance from anyone I could've dreamed caring about." I explained.

Jack was stunned.

"Sorry I shouldn't have opened up like that...I don't normally..." I trailed off.

"No's okay really. I don't mind." Jack reached across and grabbed my hand. "I want to get to know you. I like you. A lot actually."

Slow music started to play. Jack stood up dragging me with him.

"Really?" I blushed.

We begun to slow dance.

"We've been spending a lot of time together. Training and well you live with me. I'm really glad we went on this date." Jack said.

"Me too. You've helped me open up to people. I don't talk about my time in the wild or how I feel about it." I whispered.

"Before we continue there's something you should know about me." Jack murmured.

I stiffened up, "I'm listening."

"I'm not who you think I am." Jack said.

I let go of him and took a step back, "What?"

"I've been-"

MAAAAAAX! Get out of there!!!!

I felt tears forming, "What have you done?!"

"Max I-"

Max! You need to run! Get out of here!

Shadow's roars were so loud.

I continued to back away from Jack, "What have you done?!"

I turned to run but a group of large vikings were blocking my way.

"Max. I'm sorry. But it has to be done." Jack said his breath on my neck.


Shadow's roar was fading as if he getting further away from the Great Hall.

"Let me through Jack. Tell them to let me pass." I demanded.

"I can't do that." Jack replied.

I clenched my fists ready to throw a punch, "I can't believe you would do that to me."

"Come with us and we won't kill your dragon." One of the vikings ordered.

"No." I snapped. "I'm not going anywhere with you."

"I'm sorry..." Jack said before I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and everything went black.

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