Chapter 32

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Max's POV Graduation Day (1 1/2 Later)

Max and a few others knelt in the arena waiting.

"Maximum Haddock. For the past three years you have showed exemplary skills. You are ready." Jack's father placed a medallion around my neck. Its crest, the strike class symbol. "You are now a graduate and ready to become the leader of your village."

Jack's father went around and anounnced the other names placing similar medallions around their necks. I stood up and gazed at Jack who was smiling proudly at me.

Let's go home.

I walked over to Jack and gave him a hug, "I gotta go. Gotta make my father proud."

"What about the celebration dinner?! Everyone leaves tomorrow." Jack said.

I shook my head, "I can't stay. I have a two day flight."

Jack lowered his head and pulled me out of the arena, "What happens to us? Now that you're leaving."

"Come with me. Meet my father. It'll be fun." I pleaded.

Jack sighed, "Fine. I'll come. I don't think my father needs me that much."

2 Days Later

Berk came into sight and what I saw wasn't good.

"Are you sure this is Berk?" Jack asked me.

The island was covered in ashes, fires were destroying houses, and some were already in runes. My grandfather's statue was crumbling apart but it was still standing.

"I'm positive..." I murmured. " no no...Shadow dive! I see something..."

Shadow folded his wings and dove. He landed in the plaza where I saw a black lump. I jumped off and ran forward.

I placed a hand on the dragon's head, "Toothless...come on bud..."

He groaned, Hiccup...he unfurled his wings to reveal the unmoving body of my father. He's barely alive...

I dragged his body closer to me and found a wound on his stomach, "We need to stop the bleeding."

Jack rummaged through his saddle bag and found a roll of gauze. He tossed it to me and I ripped open my dad's tunic. I wrapped it around his torso and secured it. When I was done Toothless was up and nuzzling Shadow.

"Jack..." I swallowed hard. "I need you to do a full sweep of the island. Check for survivors." I turned to Toothless. "Is there any place still intact?"

The arena should be.

"We're walking." I picked up my dad and carefully set him on Toothless. "Shadow go with Jack please. He'll need more eyes."

Toothless and I started to walk along the bridge towards the arena, "Tell me what happened."

These ships came. There were thousands of men, too much for us to handle. And dragons, evil dragons. I couldn't control them. They burned the village, slaughtered our people. I won't be surprised if Jack comes back empty handed.

Toothless and I reached the arena and settled in the center.

"Toothless I need to show you something." I took out my dagger and settled it in my palm.

Max what are you doing?!

I sliced it open and put my dagger away, "Watch!"

In under a minute my palm healed.

We'll talk about that later.

Jack came back carrying a staff and a limp body.


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