Chapter 26

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Max's POV

I tried to lung forward but the two men held me back, "No! Leave him alone!"

Jack's POV

Max was struggling against the vikings and her face was streaked with tears.

It broke my heart.

"Let him go!" Max yelled. Then she looked at me. "Jack! Please!"

I avoided her gaze.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Max yelled elbowing the guys in the face and running towards her dragon.

I was forced to tackle her and pinned her arms above her head, "Max! Stop!"

She groaned in pain, "Let him go!"

I leaned down and whispered in her ear, " need to trust'll be fine...just trust me..."

I stood and helped her up. I dragged her back into the arena and chained her to the post. The vikings took Shadow back to his cell.

Max's POV

Just trust me....just trust me...

I kept repeating those three words Jack said to me in my head. Something weird is going in here and I'm going to get to the bottom of it.

I hung my head low as I tried to formulate a plan.

Max...I overheard something when you running about in the village.

My head popped up as I tried to gaze back at my dragon. Jack was watching me with his arms folded over his chest and I could hear his father's footsteps behind me the whip dragging behind him.

"Dad." Jack said. "Don't."

"She needs to learn not to escape." His father said.

"She's not healed! Don't." Jack snapped at him.

This isn't what you think it is's something more crazy than ever.

"Shut up!" Jack yelled. "Muzzle the dragon!"

I struggled against the chains, "Jack! No!"

I could hear vikings go into Shadow's cell and his roars of protest. They finally muzzled him and it was silent. I lowered my head in defeat.

Now I can't even talk to him.

The whip cracked down on my back and my head snapped up.

"Dad!" Jack demanded. "Stop it!"

The whip cracked down again.

Jack ran forward and I heard him push his father. I couldn't see what happened but I heard something slide across the ground.

Jack appeared in front of me and grabbed the sides of my neck, "Are you okay?!"

I glared at him, "I'm fine."

He unlocked the chains and took me back to my cell, "I'll come back soon with some food."

Jack left and shut the door behind him. A few minutes later he came back with a tray and the ointment.

"I'm sorry about him. He's crazy." Jack murmured.

"Thanks for everything...healing me...bringing me food..." I whispered.

"I really do care about you Max..." Jack started to rub the ointment over my cuts.

"Jack..." I groaned.

"'s'll be okay..." He replied.

Jack turned to face me and I felt him leaning in. I closed my eyes and felt myself leaning towards him.

His lips gently kissed mine and I melted into him. He pulled away and our foreheads were touching.

"Hold me..." Jack whispered and left.

Author's Note: Ooooooh they kissed. Now what will Jack do? How does Max feel? You'll find out.

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