Chapter 14

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Max's POV Great Hall

I sat at the front table with my parents and his friends. Shadow and Toothless were talking behind me about their adventures. Everyone was talking about how great it was to have me back and the adventures my father went on. I wasn't speaking all that much mostly because I was tired and didn't really want all this attention.

You okay?

I shrugged and turned to my dragon, "I guess. Just tired."

"So what have you been doing for ten years?!" My dad asks.

"Making peace with vikings and dragons. Stopping bad men. Mostly looking for other Night Furies. I've heard about Toothless so I wanted to keep looking." I replied.

"Did you find any new dragons?!" Fishlegs asked excitedly.

I shrugged, "Some. But mostly more of the dragons we know of. Like the Skrills and Stormcutters."

"So where do the Skrills live? That must've been amazing." Fishlegs added.

"A secluded island far away from here. And it was. At first they were going to kill me but then they saw Shadow. Apparently they respect Night Furies. And I did the cool hand trick with the leader. We're super cool now." I explained.

Hiccup patted my shoulder, "I can't believe Shadow did it in a matter of minutes. I had to do the cool hand trick with Toothless."

"We were both hatchlings Dad. You and Toothless are of the same gender. Maybe it's different with opposites." I grinned and glanced at Shadow.

It is. You needed my help. Alone and scared. But amazed by my presence.

"Hey I'm gonna head to bed. It's been a long day." I squeezed my dad's arm and walked into the crisp night.

Shadow nudged me and followed me to the house.

My home.

I walked up the stairs into the room that's so familiar now. I plopped on the bed and looked at the wall full of drawings.

"Never thought I'd see this place again." I mumbled.

Shadow bounded over and rested his head on my bed, You're home now. It doesn't matter.

"This bed feels weird. Different." I pointed out rubbing his head.

Join me on the stone.

I climbed out of my bed and onto the stone. Shadow curled around me and placed his wing over me. I closed my eyes and went to sleep within minutes.

Hiccup's POV

A while after the celebration I went home to check on Max. I slowly creaked open the door to see Max on Shadow's stone with his wing curled around her. Shadow lifted his head but lowered it again once he saw it was me. I smiled and closed the door.

"How is she?" Astrid whispered.

"She's not sleeping in her bed. But she's sleeping." I replied. "She's...peaceful."

Author's Note: Boring chapter. My bad. It gets better soon.

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