Chapter 27

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Max's POV

It's been a few days since Jack came and saw me.

Since we kissed.

I've been sitting here, wrapped up in my cloak trying not to freeze while a strange viking brings me food once a day. As Snoggletog approaches it's been getting colder. My back is almost fully healed.

That's what I fear the most.

Going back in the open, getting whipped.

Shadow just sits there not moving. Every other day a small militia of vikings come in, take his muzzle off, and feed him. When I get food I've been keeping a collection of the forks to help pick the lock.

"Shadow...I know you can't speak. But I have a plan. We're going to get out of here. Today." I murmured.

I heard a groan.

I smirked, "I HAVE TO PEE!!!"

"I'm not falling for that again!" The guard yelled.

"I HAVE TO POOP!" I yelled.

The guard came over and unlocked the cell door.

Looks like I won't need my forks.

He shoved me in front of him and started down the hallway. I shook my head.

"What?!" The guard demanded.

"You're an idiot." I said.

I whipped around so fast the guard didn't notice me wrapping my arm around his neck.

"Please you don't have to do this!" The guard pleaded.

"I can't have you waking up and telling the island I escaped." I snapped the man's neck.

He fell to the ground and I searched his pockets for the keys. I found them and kissed them.

"Ya beauty!"

I ran over to Shadow's cell and rushed inside. I yanked off the muzzle and started to unlock the chains.

"I need to find my sword. Can you pick up the scent?" I asked walking into the center with him.

Shadow lifted his nose, hallway on the left...second door on the right...

"The best nose in the world. As always." I complemented heading down the small hallway.

You're too much. Now let's hurry up.

I glance in the room and there's another viking sitting there sleeping.

Max. Don't.

"I have to." I whispered.

I stepped into the room and broke that guy's neck too, killing him before he could wake up. I grabbed my sword and clipped it around my waist.

"Let's get out of here." I murmured and took off down the hallway.

I pushed the gate up and ran into the village.

Get on my back. We're leaving.

I jumped on his back and Shadow took off heading for home.

Well at least I thought we were going home.

Someone must've seen us because a moment later a bola wrapped around us. Shadow roared in pain as his wings were forced closed and we crashed to the ground.

I was trapped against his body as I felt blood trickling down my head, "That hurt. That really hurt."

Reach your sword. Cut us out.

I managed to reach it and cut myself out. I rolled off his back and started to cut the ropes.

"Well well well...look what we have here..."

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