Chapter 20

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Max's POV Few Weeks Later

Today was parents' day or week. Was I excited? I don't know. I don't even know if my dad will come. Our fight was pretty serious.

"It's my fault Shadow. I yelled at him and stormed away without saying goodbye." I was walking towards the cliffs where I was going to wait for him.

He'll come. This is your father we're talking about here.

We got to the cliffs and I stood near the edge watching the sky.

A few hours later I heard someone behind me, "Parents should start arriving soon."

It was Jack.

I pulled down my hood on the cloak and turned to face him, "I'll wait here. My dad won't come by boat. If he comes..."

"I have to head down there. I'll see you later okay?" Jack gave a small smile.

I nodded and faced the ocean again.

Another hour went by before the first dragon rider appeared. I recognized it as a Stormcutter, Riley's father's dragon. Then ships started to appear and more dragon riders leading them. I glanced at Shadow and he shrugged.

I watched below as parents greeted their children who will one day lead their villages. I recognized some from the villages I saved. I stood there at the cliff top all day wondering if my dad or my mom were going to come.

Finally the sun was setting and I broke down and wept, "It's all my fault Shadow!"

Maybe your father overslept and he's running late.

"Dad is never late!" I snapped. "He hates me!"

No he doesn't. He loves you.

I wiped the tears away and continued to sit watching the sun set.

Come on. Shadow nudged me. Let's go eat. I'm hungry.

I let Shadow lift me onto my feet and I followed him to the Great Hall where everyone was going to have dinner with their parents.

Hiccup's POV Somewhere a few hours from the island

"Are you sure I'm doing the right thing bud?" I asked Toothless.

He just grumbled in response.

"We had such a big fight. Will she hate me if I show up?!" I continued.

Toothless purred as if saying no.

"She's gonna kill me. I'm late. Astrid should've came with me." I added.

Before Toothless could really respond the island came into sight and he sped up. He quickly landed on the island and I got off. I walked around the village until I spotted someone.

"Where's the Great Hall?" I asked.

His hand went towards the north side of the island, "It's just over there. You'll hear lots of laughter. Can't miss it."

"Thank you!" I took off running towards the building.

Max's POV

I sat in the back of the hall picking at my chicken wing. Shadow was curled up behind me snoozing. I was too sad to even notice who came in through the Great Hall. The whole floor quieted down.

"Where is she?"

"She's back there."

I heard the crowd move apart slightly forming a path. I finally looked up from my chicken and saw...


I stood up abruptly, "Dad!"

He smirked and gave a small wave, "I hope you're not mad!"

I ran forward and jumped into his arms, "I thought I was." I began. "But not anymore. I'm glad you came."

"I wouldn't miss it. Your mother couldn't come because she's helping watch Berk." Hiccup replied.

I pulled away, "I don't care. I'm glad YOU'RE here."

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