Chapter 30

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Max's POV

I walked away holding my hand cut hand.

Jack ran to catch up with me and handed me some gauze, "Here. You'll need this."

I glanced down at my hand to see that the blood was gone and the cut had healed, "No thanks..."

I quickly put my hand away.

Jack's father split us up into teams with Jack and I on opposite teams. I met up with Shadow and my team.

"Riley, you and a few other people will guard our flag." I pointed to a few other people. "Set up traps along the playing field. I'll lead a team to get the flag. Whatever you do not get 'killed'. We have to watch each other's backs."

We split up taking off into the forest. Shadow and I led the team heading into enemy territory.

"Max watch out!" Someone yelled.

Shadow instinctly pulled up. I turned my head to see Temp and her Skrill taking a bola for us.

I turned to the others, "Keep going! I'll help her!"

I pulled Shadow towards Temp and we landed. I got off and ran over.

"Are you okay?" I asked cutting the ropes.

Temp groaned, "I think my wrist is broken."

I picked up her arm, "Nah...just a nasty bruise. Your Skrill okay?"

I glanced at him as he was shaking himself off.

I'm good.

"Why are you doing this? Helping me?" Temp asked.

"I don't're on my team...I gotta go. Rondevoue with the group by the flag. I'm gonna go get the flag." I stood up and got on Shadow.

He took off and sped faster, deeper into the other team's territory. As I was looking at the ground I noticed the group I was leading we're all trapped in bolas.

"Are you guys okay?!" I shouted.

They all said in unison, "Go get the flag!"

Shadow slowed down, I see the flag. There are dragons surrounding it. The riders are next to them. We won't be able to go head on.

I grabbed the wooden sword and crawled to the tail.

"Speed up and whip me towards the flag." I instructed.

Max we're too high

"Do it!" I snapped.

I stood up and got ready. I felt Shadow speed up and he flung his tail.

I flew towards the flag that stuck out of the ground. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a dragon flying towards me, Windspark.

"No Windspark!!!" I heard Jack shout.

It was too late Windspark tackled me with his claws outstretched as my hands grasped the flag. I fell to the ground with the flag in my hands and Windspark rolled off of me.

I raised the flag in the air, "Got it!"

I squirmed in pain and pressed my hand to my stomach. I lifted my hand to find it covered in sticky blood. There was a gash on my stomach. I turned over to my side in pain and saw Shadow tusseling with Windspark.

"Jack!" I snapped. "Get them away from each other! Shadow will kill him!"

I used my wooden sword as a cane and stood up.

"NO!" His father yelled coming from the bushes. "Let it run its course!"

"Dad she needs medical attention!" Jack demanded.

I waved it off, "I'm fine."

I felt my stomach and it no longer hurt. In fact it stopped bleeding. I dropped the sword and started walking towards the fight. I pushed through the crowd to see Shadow kicking the snot out of Windspark. I looked to see Windspark flicking his razor sharp tail open.

He was about to stab Shadow.

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