Chapter 31

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Max's POV

I did the dumbest thing possible and ran into the fight. I jumped in Windspark's tail trying to get him to stop.

Jack ran forward and helped me, "No Windspark! Stop it!"

I glanced at Jack.

He mouthed, go.

I got off the tail and went around the front to face Shadow. His eyes were in slits as he glared at Windspark who was pinned underneath him.

"Shadow..." I murmured. "It's me's okay...I'm not hurt..." I held out my hand for him.

Yes you are. I smelt blood. He hurt you.

"Shadow...I'm's gone...I'm not hurt..." I replied creeping closer. "Please...get off Windspark..."

Shadow shook his head and slowly crawled off Windspark. His eyes formed cubed pupils again and he showed me a gummy smile.

I turned to the crowd, "And that is how you break up a dragon fight. Not letting it run its course." I glared at Jack's father.

Jack came over and put a hand on my shoulder, "That was incredible!"

"Next time keep Windspark under control." I growled and stomped away towards the village.

A Year Later (1 Year 1/2 into training)

Jack and I were in a clearing in the woods, training.

"So Max..." He started putting his sword away.

"Yeah..." I raised an eyebrow as I sheathed my sword.

"I was thinking that we should go on a picnic." Jack said.

"Like a date?" I asked. "Like a real one? Not one where you knock me out?"

Jack smirked, "Yeah a real one. The cliffs. Sunset."

Jack got on Windspark and flew away.

This time I will be there to accompany you.

I blushed and got on Shadow, "Come on."

I went back to the house and luckily Jack wasn't there. I went upstairs and started to look through my closet.

"I have nothing nice to wear." I complained.

Shadow was sniffing in the closet, wear something simple.

I grabbed a bright green tunic and brown pants. I didn't want to wear a skirt that was for certain.

I changed and looked at Shadow, "How do I look?"

Like your father.

I groaned, "Awesome. Well let's go. Sunset is soon."

Shadow and I took off towards the cliff. Once we got there I noticed that Jack already had everything set up and he was sitting on the blanket. I got off Shadow and plopped on the blanket.

"You've overdone yourself Jack. This is really nice." I murmured.

"Thanks." He smirked and scooted closer. "You deserve the best."

"You mean you." I said.

"Well's been a year Max..." Jack leaned in and whispered in my ear.

I turned my head away, "I know..."

"Sorry we cut up your tattoos a little." Jack said.

I giggled and turned towards him, "Not cool."

"So why did you get them?" He asked.

I shrugged, "They remind me of the wild. I got them when I was 12 just in case I found a home. They remind of where I lived most of my life."

Jack grinned, "Makes sense."

Jack grabbed my cheek and kissed me. I leaned into him and put my hand on his shoulder, kissing him back. Jack moved so he was on top of me pinning me to the ground.

That date was the best I ever had.

Author's Note: No they didn't have sex. That's just gross.

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