Chapter 13

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Hiccup's POV

"MAX!" I shouted on the cliff top. I wandered through the smoke aimously swatting it away. "No..."

Toothless roared.

A moment passes.

Then Shadow responds.

I squint in concentration and try to swat more smoke away. I see Max, bleeding and tattered, walking towards me and swinging her sword around side by side with Shadow. She pulled down her hood and sheathed her sword.

She reaches a hand up and coughs violently, "Well that wasn't fun."

I pulled her into a hug, "I'm so glad you're okay! What happened?!"

Max's POV

I shudder, "Well...Dagur pinned me to the ground. I managed to grab my sword and stabbed it into his chest and as I did that Thunder and Shadow shot at him. So that's why there's a ton of smoke."

Hiccup's face fell, "Wow..."

I staggered against him, "One more thing..."

"Max?!" Dad reached out and held me steady.

"My back!" I grumbled.

He lifted the back of my shirt and gasped at the sight of the long wound across my back.

"It's just one but it hurts." I whined.

A crowd of villagers swarmed me and I backed away, scared.

"Give her some space!" My father yelled waving his arms around.

"Are you Maximum Haddock?!"

"Why have you stayed away for so long?!"

"Where have you been?!"

My hand reached for my sword as Shadow's tail wrapped around me.

Shadow lifted his nose, You never cleaned your blade.

"Oh damn. You're right." I pulled out my sword and looked around the crowd. "You!" I pointed to Snotlout. "Let me borrow your vest."

"What?! No!" Snotlout snapped.

"Do it Snotlout!" Hiccup ordered.

I snatched his fur vest off of him and wiped my blade. I handed it back to him, "Thanks. I just needed to clean my sword."

Hiccup grabbed my hand and led me over to a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, "Max. This is your mother."

I sheathed my sword, "Mom..."

"Max..." She croaked out.

I embraced her, "I have a mother...I HAVE A MOTHER!"

Hiccup smiled, "Come on. Let's celebrate!"

"Uh...Dad? Is it cool if I get stitched up first? And I need to talk to the dragons as well." I asked as Thunder nudged me gently.

Fishlegs gaped, "Talk?! Can I watch you do that?! There will be so much to put in the Book!"

I nodded, "Of course of course. I can tell you everything I've learned."

Dad put a hand on my shoulder, "Well give you and the dragons some private time up here. Alright everybody! To the Great Hall!"

When everyone left except for Fishlegs who got a pencil and paper ready I turned to the Skrills and Stormcutters.

"Thank you for fighting so bravely in the battle. It means a lot that you could help protect Berk!" I began. "I know Dagur was harsh and a terrible person but it was all for the best! I'll miss you guys and I promise no one will bother you again. And if they do they'll answer to me!"

The dragons took off back to their homes to enjoy the peace that now reigned across the archipelago.

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