Chapter 11

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Max's POV

"Shadow I want to try that thing you were telling me about. Only in the legends." I told him as we continued to zip through the sea stacks.

Are you crazy?! That's dangerous!

I already unclipped myself from the saddle and started to crawl towards his tail. Once I got to it I stood up slowly and spread my arms out.

"WOOOOOO!" I cheered.

Hiccup's POV

I squinted in the distance and noticed Max was standing on Shadow's tail, "Oh Thor..."

"Is she really doing that?!" Astrid's jaw dropped.

"I've never done that before! I can't believe I didn't think of that!" I scoffed in embarrassment.

"Incredible!" Fishlegs added.

Max's POV

I whipped out my sword and started to slice through the air, "Shadow this is amazing!"

You need to be careful.

I sheathed my sword and started to crawl back to the saddle, "That'll be great for the war."

You're crazy but glad you found something that'll surprise them.

Day of War

Dagur and Alvin's fleet showed up just as I instructed. Shadow and the pack of dragons were in the sky hovering above the ships. Shadow landed on Dagur's ship and I got off.

"Are the dragons ready?!" Dagur demanded.

"The Skrills and Stormcutters are ready at my command Dagur." I replied.

"Your command?! Shouldn't they be at our command?!" Alvin sneered stepping onto Dagur's ship.

My fingers lingered towards my sword, "They don't trust you. They trust me! So if you want the dragons to destroy Berk they'll listen to me."

Dagur growled, "You heard the girl! And get off my ship!"

Alvin glared at him as he jumped back onto his ship.

Dagur patted my shoulder, "I like your attitude. I'm gonna keep you."

I raised an eyebrow, "Uh thanks?"

I climbed back on Shadow and continued to lead the pack.

I turned to the dragons and cupped my hands over my mouth, "Alright! You know what to do when we get there!"

The dragons roared.

I'm going to destroy those damn Beserkers for using us as a symbol. Thunder grumbled.

Hiccup's POV

I had a gut feeling that the war was going to start today. I gathered everyone in the Great Hall and stood on top of the table. The vikings kept murmuring about what's coming.

"How do you know a war is really coming?!" Someone asked.

"Because I trust Rider. I trust her with my life." I snapped.

"How can you trust a complete stranger?!" They replied.

Murmurs of agreement went through the crowd.

I groaned. This is going to be a long day.

"Because! She's my daughter!" I yelled. Berkians gasped. "That's right! That girl riding the Night Fury is Maximum Haddock!"

In all the chaos I heard the horn blow three times indicating war.

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