Chapter 35

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Max's POV

Dad and Jack along with the dragons were waiting in the plaza ready to go.

I put the books in my basket, "Let's head straight to Jack's island. Stopping at mine probably isn't a good idea."

My dad nodded, "Probably not."

We climbed on our dragons and took off leaving Berk behind.


Well maybe not forever but you get the point.

Two Days Later

We landed on the docks to see Jack's father waiting for us.

"Jack I didn't expect you to be back." He said giving him a hug.

"I think I should let Max and Hiccup tell the story." Jack stepped aside.

I waited for my dad to tell his story about how Anarchy invaded and killed everyone.

"Oh gods..." Jack's father said.

"When we showed up I noticed the village was completely destroyed. I found Toothless and my dad who was curled up in his wings. Dad was bleeding but we managed to stop it. When I sent Jack to search for survivors he brought my grandmother's staff and my mother's body. She was already gone but the staff...we used. I called upon a Screaming Death and she helped build a mass grave. Then we came here." I explained the story without shedding a single tear.

Jack's father frowned, "Well I'm sorry to hear that. But Max since you're going to be staying would you like a job to train new recruits?"

Hiccup grinned.

"Of course of course." I answered.

"You and your father can stay at my place. I have extra rooms." Jack offered winking at me.

"Let's go meet some recruits!!!!" I suggest taking off into the village.

I ran all the way to the clearing where the recruits train with their instructors. I recognized a few people that came in towards the end of my training.

I smiled.

This was going to be fun.

Jack finally caught up with me along with Shadow and Windspark.

I pulled him aside, "How many are ready to..."

"Just one so far. The others are a few weeks out." Jack pointed to a small boy around 20 with short blonde, big ears, and blue eyes. "His name his Murphy. Dad wants him in tonight."

I crossed my arms and frowned, "I will never be comfortable with this."

Jack kissed my temple, "I know..."

Time Skip

I was waiting on the cliffs staring at the stars with Shadow.

"Can you put the ointment on Murphy?" Jack asked behind me. "Dad wanted someone a little more gentle on the kid."

I stood up, "Fine. Come on Shadow."

Shadow and I headed to the arena and landed in front of the gate. I pulled up my hood and walked inside.

Murphy struggled against the chains, "Who are you?! Leave me alone!"

I knelt in front of him, "Hey kid. Relax. Okay. It's just an ointment for your back."

He relaxed a little, "Where's my dragon?!"

"The Timberjack? He's in a cell." I went around and started to put the ointment on. "I'll feed him."

"Please don't hurt him..." He pleaded. "He's all I have..."

I scoffed, "Kid I love dragons. I even have one myself." I whistled and Shadow bounded into the arena.

"Whoa..." He murmured. "So why do you do this? Why do you help them?"

I faced him again, "Because I would do anything to save my dragon."

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