Chapter 9

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Max's POV 1 Week Later

I heard boots crunching through the undergrowth. By the psychotic laugh of a man I knew it was Dagur.

"Dagur! What is it you need?" I asked.

He grabbed at my throat and pinned me up against a tree, "You went to Berk! Without my permission!"

Shadow snarled ready to leap.

"It was only to hit someone! They hurt one of the Skrills!" I coughed out trying to pry his wrist off my throat.

"You don't go to Berk unless you have my permission! Understand?!" Dagur screamed spit flying at my face.

"It was only for a punch!" I insisted.

Dagur took out a knife and pressed to just above my eyebrow. He dragged it down creating a long scar starting from halfway up my forehead to halfway down my left cheek.

Shadow shoved Dagur away from me leaving him sprawled across the dirt, No one hurts my girl.

I fell to the ground coughing and gasping for air. Shadow nudged me until I stood up again.

"If Berkians hurt our dragons then you won't have dragons to use for war." I said climbing on Shadow ignoring the blood dripping down my face.

"Remember our deal when you see that scar." Dagur snapped and stumbled back to his fleet.

Thunder ran forward and cleaned the blood with one swipe of his tongue, I'm gonna kill him.

His pack burst from the woods ready to battle.

"No it's okay. We'll get him when he attacks Berk." I insisted as Shadow took off towards my house.

I went inside and grabbed some bandages so I could stop the bleeding.

Shadow nudged me worriedly, We'll get him.

"It's not me I'm worried about." I placed the bandage over my eye and went out to the balcony.

The pack of Skrills and some of the Stormcutters gathered beneath expecting a speech.

"Dagur is dangerous!" I started. "In a few days we will go to war! Dagur thinks we're on his side but we're not!" There were roars of excitement. "We will destroy his fleet and save Berk! And my father!"

The dragons went wild roaring with excitement. I went back inside and sat by the fire.

Hiccup's POV

The village was boarding up all the houses due to the incoming war Max was about to start.

"Hiccup she'll be okay." Astrid said handing me a plank of wood.

I sighed and started to nail it to the roof, "I know."

"Are you going to tell the village?" Astrid asked coming onto the roof.

"No. Not until after the war. When we win." I responded.

A Terrible Terror landed on my shoulder and dropped a note in my hands.

My island. Alone. Make sure no one follows. -M

"I gotta go." I stood up and went to the edge of the roof. "Toothless!"

Toothless started to hover and I jumped onto his back.

He took off towards the island.

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