Chapter 25

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Max's POV

I snuck through the village quietly and quickly. I found Riley's house after a few minutes and broke in through a window. I climbed in and went up the stairs. I found two rooms: one was a closed door and the other was an open door with Riley sitting at the desk.

I stormed through and grabbed her by her shirt collar shoving her against the wall, "What the hell is going on?!"

"Max! How did-"

"You knew! You knew they were going to take me and you didn't warn me! The whole goddamn village knew and no one warned me!" I yelled angrily.

"Max I-"

"Did you know they took my dragon too?! They took Shadow and chained him up! He sits there, helpless watching me get tortured!" I snapped.

"Max let me-"

"Riley what the hell is going on?!" I slowly let her go and backed away.

"Max I'm sorry I didn't say anything. But I couldn't. And I can't tell you why they're doing this." Riley murmured.

I clenched my fists, "What do you mean you can't tell me?!"

Someone came in the doorway, "What's going on here?"

"It's nothing Temp she's-"

"Is that the girl that's supposed to be in prison?" Temp demanded pointing at me.

I gulped.


Temp took off down the stairs and out the door. I went to the window and saw her running and shouting.


"Oh no...Riley do you have a back window?" I asked. "Help me out please."

"In Temp's room." Riley replied. "Max - good luck..."

I smirked, "Don't forget to visit me in prison."

I ran into the room and jumped out the window. I fell to the ground and rolled on my back, groaning.

"That hurt." I couldn't find the strength to move.

I got to my knees and stood up. I started to run, back towards the arena to find Shadow.

I have to get out of here.

Jack's POV

"Chain him up! Bring him out to the open!" My father ordered. "I want her to see him!"

They dragged Shadow out of the arena in chains. He fought every inch but it was no use.

"Dad don't you think this is a little excessive. It's just supposed to be part of training. Not actually taking her as a prisoner." I explained.

"She needs to know what not to do and what to do. I've been doing for this years son. Why is this one so different?" My father asked.

"I don't know...Max is..." I trailed off.

"You like her don't you?! Jack how many times have I told you not to fall in love with your students!" Dad yelled.

I turned and stomped away.

Max's POV

Jack was walking towards me, head down and fists clenched. I tried to duck but it was too late, he looked up and noticed me. I gulped. I turned to run but Jack cut in.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He said. He turned around and cupped his hands around his mouth, "Bring him out!"

Men came from behind me and grabbed my arms. More vikings came from around the corner dragging something in chains with them. It was a black, very stubborn lump.


It was Shadow.

Author's Note: Hehe so now you all know what's really going on. I was gonna save it for later but I figured you'd want to see how uncomfortable Jack is with this. You're welcome.

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