Chapter 29

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Max's POV

Back at the house I bandaged my head and climbed into a real bed. I tossed and turned for a while until I finally managed to sleep.

Or so I thought.

I had the same nightmare again- finding the lifeless body of my dad wrapped in Toothless.

I screamed sitting up and Jack rushed into my room.




I rubbed my forehead, "You gotta stop rushing in shirtless."

Jack smirked, "Sorry..." He crossed the room and knelt by the bed. "Did you have a nightmare again?"

I nodded, "The same one. I don't wanna talk about it."

I turned away from him and hugged my knees. Jack climbed on the bed and went to rub my back with his hand.

He froze, realizing the scars were there. Fresh bumps on my back.

"It's okay..." I whispered.

His hand rested on my back.

"Jack...can you go? Please...I just wanna be alone..." I murmured.

Jack frowned and walked out of the room. I shivered.

"Scoot over Shadow." I hopped out of bed and curled up on the stone.

You'll be safe here...I promise...

Shadow wrapped his wing around me and I closed my eyes.

Next Day

Jack came into the room, "Wake up. We still have training."

I groaned as Shadow lifted his wing, "Can't I get a day? For crying out loud I was held prisoner for a week!"

Jack lifted me up, "Come on. Today is capture the flag...with wooden swords!"

"Wooden?!" I demanded grabbing my cloak. "That takes the fun out!"

"There's no rules." Jack continued. "Except wooden swords."

I grinned and rushed down the stairs, "Well come on then!"

I burst through the front door to be met by a crowd, "Whoa..."

"So how did you escape?!"

That's all everyone asked.

Jack came out.

"They all knew?!" I raised an eyebrow.

Jack nodded, "Sorry..."

I glared and stomped away through the crowd towards the arena. Shadow followed me, are you ever going to forgive him?

I shrugged, "You know I don't believe in second chances."

We don't live in the wild anymore Max.

"Well maybe we should." I snapped.

Don't say that...

"Ever since I came back from the dead per say everything went wrong. My father sent me away and the guy I thought I liked lied to me and let his father whip me." I added.

We still have over two years left here.

Shadow and I got to the arena and it was crowded with young people-trainees. I moved through and found Riley at the edge and I pulled her aside.

"Thanks for warning me." I growled.

"Max I went through it a few months ago, just before you showed up. I'll be leaving soon. I couldn't tell you. I'm not even allowed to tell my family. You'll be told the same thing." Riley murmured.

"It was a little over the top. Not cool." I snapped.

Riley held out her hand showing a thin scar across her palm, "I was forced to take a blood oath not to tell anybody about what goes on here. They take it very seriously."

"Alright everybody before we get started we have a small ceremony to perform!" Jack's father anounnced.

"In fact you'll take it right now." Riley whispered in my ear and walked away with her dragon.

"Max come here!" His father said.

As I walked to the front of the arena I noticed dark red spots on the ground.

I froze.

That's my blood.

"Is there a problem?" He asked.

"That's my blood..." I murmured.

Jack grabbed my hand and brought me forward.

His father held out a small dagger, "Hold her hand out Jack."

Jack grabbed my wrist and held it out.

"Do you promise not to tell anybody about what you have been through already and what you will go through in the future?" His father asked bringing the knife closer to my hand.

"I promise." I replied.

He brought the knife down and sliced my hand open. Then he sliced his own open and shook my hand.

Congratulations Max you just agreed to your first blood oath.

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