Chapter 36

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Max's POV

I unlocked Murphy's chains and put him in his cell, "You'll get through this kid. And I'll make sure no one hurts your dragon."

"Thanks. His name is Shear." Murphy said.

I closed the door and went over to his dragon's cell. He started to struggle against the chains as I entered.

"Hey's okay...I won't hurt you..." I grabbed the staff from my back and showed him.

He slowly bowed, you're a powerful woman my dear...

I put staff in its sheath, "Listen...I'll watch out for your boy okay..."

You have immortal power in you...

"I...yeah...can you tell me about it?" I asked.

I only know what it is in the books. But there is a dragon that might know your father defeated a long time ago...

I gulped, "The Bewilderbeast?"

Shear nodded.

"Oh no..." I whispered.

He knows everything...

"I have to stop Anarchy..." I walked out of the cell and shut the door. "Thanks for everything."

Good luck!

Couple of Days Later (middle of the night)

I was packing my stuff into a basket, "We're leaving. Tonight."

You don't even know where to find the Bewilderbeast.

"I know where to start." I snapped quietly.

I tied the basket to Shadow's saddle and sat down at the desk to write a note.

Anarchy is looking for me. I won't let them come to this island. I've dealt with them before but last time I showed mercy. This time I won't. I'm going to end this once and for all. PS: The medallion is for you Dad. Wear it always.

I left the medallion I got when I finished my training on the note. I channeled some of my newfound immortality into the medallion because I want him to stay alive. I can't lose him too.

Shadow and I flew out the window towards the arena. He landed and I ran inside towards Murphy's cell.

"What are you doing here?!" Murphy demanded.

"I'm leaving kid. I promised I'd get you out. I have to leave." I unlocked his door and then proceeded to his dragon's.

I went inside his cell and unlocked Shear's shackles.

"Thank you..." I whispered.

Good luck...

Murphy limped out, "Where are you going?!"

I grabbed his shoulders, "Listen there are some dangerous people out there in the world. They killed my village, my people, my family. I only have my father. I have to find these people."

"Who are you?!" Murphy demanded.

"I'm Maximum Haddock. Go to Jack's house in the morning. Tell him to check my room." I said climbing on Shadow.

"You're a legend..." Murphy stated.

"This legend is about to disappear. Let's go Shadow." I said.

You sure you want to do this?

"Let's go home." I murmured.

Shadow took off towards our island where we used to live.

Morning Hiccup's POV

Someone knocked at the door. I got up and answered it. Standing there was a kid Max's age with a Timberjack behind him.

"I'm Murphy. Is Jack here?" He asked.

I stood to the side as Jack came to the door, "Murphy what are you doing here? You're supposed to-"

"Max let me go. She said to check her room." He replied.

I booked it up the stairs and burst into Max's room. It was empty, nothing was in it except for the furniture and a note on the desk. I snatched it up.

Anarchy is looking for me. I won't let them come to this island. I've dealt with them before but last time I showed mercy. This time I won't. I'm going to end this once and for all. PS: The medallion is for you Dad.

I picked up the medallion and placed it around my neck. I felt a sudden surge of energy as I tucked it into my tunic.

Jack was standing in the doorway, "What does it say?!"

"She's gone after them...she's going to kill them all..."

End of Book

Author's Note: There will be a sequel about Max's journey as she hunts for the group called Anarchy. There will also be more of Hiccup's POV as he and Jack search for Max.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2015 ⏰

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