Chapter 19

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Max's POV

The next morning I woke staring into the hazel eyes of Jack. I yelped and pushed him away a little.

He shot up, "What?!"

"Did we...? What happened...?" I stuttered.

"No no no no! You had a nightmare." Jack stood up and wrapped his hand around the doorknob.

I sighed in relief, "Sorry...I'll meet you downstairs."

Jack left and shut the door behind him.

That was weird.

"Shut up Shadow." I grumbled and dumped all the contents of my basket on the bed.

I sorted through and found dark pants and a dark tunic. I changed into those and clipped my sword belt around my waist. In the mess I found the fingerless gloves my dad gave me.

Put them on. Don't wear the cloak.

I left my cloak hanging on the hook and slipped on the gloves.

There. Now you look good.

"Come on." I went downstairs to see Jack making breakfast. "Breakfast?"

"I'm an excellent cook." Jack grinned. "So a normal's day schedule is training in the morning with me and in the afternoon we go to classes and other chief training exercises."

"Seems pretty simple." I shrugged.

"And in a few weeks we have parents day." Jack added.

I choked on the yak milk I was drinking, "What?"

Shadow's jaw dropped as well which is weird for a dragon.

"The parents come and visit. To see how you're doing and stuff." Jack said. "Is there a problem?"

"Um...before I came I got in a fight with my parents. I was mad at them for sending me away after I got back after two years. My dad went off that it was for the best and blah blah." I murmured as Jack set a plate in front of me.

Perk up kid.

Jack sighed and inhaled his breakfast, "Eat. We got a big day."

I pushed the plate away, "I can't. I lost my apetite."

I stood up and patted Shadow's head. I walked out of the house and waited for Jack. Windspark was waiting outside with a saddle on his back. Jack climbed on and I got on Shadow. Together we took off towards a large clearing filled with young vikings and their instructors training together.

"Whoa..." I whispered.

"Rider! Is that you?!?!" A girl yelled behind me.

Shadow landed and I ran up to her, "Riley! Oh my gods! It's so good to see you!"

"You know her?!" Jack asked.

"It was when I didn't have a family. I came across her island and helped her village bond with dragons. She's the only future female chief I've ever met. And Riley, it's Max." I explained.

" in...Maximum Haddock?!" Riley's jaw dropped.

I nodded.

She lifted me up in a hug and spun me around, "That's insane!"

Jack patted my shoulder, "Come on. Let's get started!"

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