Chapter 28

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Max's POV

I slowly turned around to see Jack standing there with his father and a group of vikings behind them.

I swallowed hard, "Please...just let us go..."

Shadow burst from the ropes and growled at the group.

Jack smirked and so did his father.

Then they all started to clap.

"Whaaaa-" My jaw dropped to the ground.

I'm so confused.

That's what I was trying to tell you before they muzzled me.

"Congratulations you passed the hardest part of your training." Jack's father said.

To get you ready in case you ever get taken.

"Our recruits don't go through this part of the training until almost the very end. But Jack said you were ready. And he was right. You escaped the quickest out of all of them." His father continued.

I glared at Jack, "Is that what you meant? When you said trust me?"

Jack lowered his head, "Max...I really do care about you..."

His father patted Jack's back, "Well go kids have fun..."

Windspark landed besides Jack and he climbs on, "Come on I know a place with a killer view."

I climbed on Shadow.

I'm not sure how I feel about this.

Shadow took off following Windspark to a cliff on the south side of the island. Jack helped me off Shadow and we set up a blanket to sit on.

"Max I'm sorry..." Jack murmured.

I didn't say anything.

Jack scooted closer to me, "I really am. Can you please forgive me?"

I stared at the sun, "Jack you let your father torture me. You didn't warn me."

"Give me a second chance...please..." Jack whispered leaning in closer.

"I spent the past ten years of my life in the wild. At first I thought maybe I was going to get a second chance at a family. And then a year went by. I stopped believing in second chances when I was six years old and I never started up again." I replied. "What makes you think I'll give you a second chance?"

"Because you can't hate me forever." Jack said.

"I spent most of my life not trusting anybody or never getting too close to people. I didn't get that close to Riley. And I almost killed her. It's easier for me that way. Never get too close or the people you love will perish." I murmured.

"What about our kiss?" Jack whispered.

I let out a small gasp, "You broke my trust."

"You kissed me back."

"Jack I-"

He leaned forward and kissed me softly.

I pulled away and grinned, "Fine. But you have to gain my trust back. And if you pull something like that again I'll kill you."

I stood up and walked towards Shadow who was snoozing.

"Please tell your Dad I'm sorry for killing two of his men. They weren't very bright." I said climbing on. "I'll see you back at the house."

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