Chapter 3: i'll see you around

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I didn't ever expect to see Ezra again. but when he was sitting there in front of me it was this weird gut feeling. I can't explain it. it's weird. once we got back to the apartment I sat in silence for awhile. Chewing chewing off my nails. I was nervous but why. "so that's the Ezra I take it right?" Liam asked. I stared at him for a moment. I reached for his hand so he could it down next to me. I held his hand. "yeah that's him." I sighed. "I'm so sorry I didn't expect him to be there." he cut me off. "Aria don't worry about it. he was your first love and I get that. I just plan to be your last no matter how long it takes." I smiled and kissed his cheek. I got off the couch and grabbed my keys. "hey I'm going to go see my mom. I'll see you later ok. don't wait up on me. love you." he got up and kissed me goodbye. I went driving to my moms. her car was there. my dad was gone. I went in and I told my mom I needed to talk to her. we sat there for awhile she poured us some wine. "what's the matter baby? Everything okay? how's Liam?" "nothing just I saw Ezra yesterday mom and I just never expected to see him again. it was weird Liam was there and I just wanted to see how he's been. I want to catch up. Liam knows about us. what do I do? Liam yeah he's great." "ahh baby.. you don't still have feelings for him do you?" I stared at my wine for a moment. "no.. no I don't think so. I love Liam now just I left Ezra with that goodbye and just shut him out for five years. I wanna know how he's been you know? he was such a big part of my life." "I understand. you should go... go talk to him. I'm sure he wants to here from you." "wait go to the brew? what will Liam say? what do I tell him?" "nothing.. there's nothing for him to know."

After Aria left I went and sat in my office. Nicole had to leave. I became confused quickly not sure over what. Nicole went to go get my favorite food since I'd be at the office late she should by here at 11 before she goes into work she said. I opened my bottom desk drawer I opened up this little box. I pulled out the folded, ripped up, faded picture of me and Aria many many years ago. I thought about all the fights we had. I thought about all the laughs we've had too. her style was so much different then. when I saw her walk in the brew I thought who was this girl. blonde, short hair, this right pencil skirt that showed off her perfectly toned legs and this high heels that make me tick. I've never seen her look like that. then there was a knock on my office door. a small figured women walked in. "Aria?"

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