chapter 40: stand by me

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I sat on the couch holding onto the body of wine for dear life. debating wether or not to open it. Ezra sat there and watched. he just shook his head. but he got up and walked in the other room and came back with a cup. he took the bottle from me and poured the cup.

"I know no matter what I say you're going to drink that. so might as well stop fighting it. I have stopped fighting you over it so drink it Aria. go ahead." he walked up the stairs and shut the bedroom door. I stared at the cup and gave in and grabbed it and chugged it down. A few minutes later I heard Ezra walk down the stairs. he was putting on his coat flying down the stairs with his keys before I could ask where he was going he shut the door. I didn't think much of it. I tried finding my phone but I couldn't find it. about 20 minutes later he walked back in with two big brown sacks. he sat them on the table.

"don't say I never gave you anything. I know you're hurt right now and I get that but you're hurting me too Aria. just know that." I stared him in the eyes he nodded and walked up the stairs and shut the door again. but after weeks of drinking the alcohol doesn't get to me anymore. I don't get sick as often and I know where I am and how I feel. so I sat there on the couch crying knowing how much I've hurt him. I can't help but feel this way. he looks at me so much different then he once did but he still has that look of love in his eyes it's just he's scared. he's scared of what I've turned into and frankly I'm scared too. I made a few phone calls to my pervious job in l.A. and i quit my job here in rosewood because I couldn't do it anymore not feeling like this. so I'm making decisions. I'm taking it day by day. and I'm trying to decide. I'm trying to live.

I came back out of our room and drove the Caleb's I needed someone to talk too.

"I don't know how much longer I can do this."

"Ezra don't. She calls you the love of her life don't you dare give up on her. she needs you more than ever right now. you have to be there for her. you took vows. she'll get through it. don't let her lose her mind completely because-"

I cut him off "because if she does I might just lose her forever... yeah I know and that's what I'm scared of.. losing her forever."

A/N: short but I needed an update. because once we hit chapter 44-47 I will be hitting you all where it hurts probably. trying to go easy on you for a moment.

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