Chapter 9: do you even care

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I watched Ezra walk out awfully fast. I was confused. I looked over at Liam. I looked at the girls confused. I got up from the table and walked upstairs to my room. I was tired of everything. I got in the room Liam ran in after me. "Why'd you leave?" I wiped the tear away from my eye and turned to face him. "I needed too. what did you say to him?" "what do you mean?" he said taking a step closer to me reaching his arms out. "you said something to make him leave. I know it upset him. don't come near me. not right now. I need some space. please." I sat down on the bed. "I didn't say anything. other than something about him and this town changes you." "Liam you need to stop. don't say anything to him. nothing about me. can't you see!? oh my gosh. Liam I love you, not him! you need to get it through your head and stop stressing!"
"how can I not do anything but stress and worry over you? you've changed Aria ever since we've came here. I can't help but think the worst. look there would be a riot if I lost you. I don't ever want to lose you." "you won't." I smiled. "Look there will come a point when you realize time heals all wounds, although, it won't make it easier when your heart is aching and it can't catch your breath between cries. It's just like knowing the sun will rise again when you're standing in the pouring rain. I'm taking a shower then I'm going to bed. "you know I think I'm going to go to our apartment. I need to set up our bed and do some things." "Okay. See you tomorrow?" "yep." he replied I waked in the bathroom and I heard the door shut. I walked out I grabbed my phone and put it on speaker. "Ezra? are you alone?" "yeah you okay?" "yeah yeah I'm fine I'm calling about you..." "why are you doing that?" "what did he say to you tonight?" "do you care?" "come over." "No, Aria." "Ezra please." "be there in 5." he said.  I clicked end and waited. what am I doing to myself and him? a tear fell from my eye. there was a knock. I opened it. "Aria, what's wrong?" he said pulling me into his arms. I held on and then it hit me. I wasn't sure what exactly what hit me. I let go and sat on the bed. "Liam thinks I've changed. sometimes I think about the way we were." "you do? I do too." he smiled. "yeah but it makes me sick." "Oh." he sighed. "but it's because it's not you and I anymore. It's you. and I. Separate, apart, distant. We were once apart of each other and now we're basically strangers back to square one. And I know how things ended badly. but honestly I'd do it all over again. we're adults now. when did that happen?" "I don't know." He sighed. "he wants to leave for good this week and come back and visit sometimes." "so go Aria" "I can't." "why?" "nothing's changed. it's just getting harder everyday. should I?" "I don't see how it'd be wrong to go. I wouldn't mind if you did. I like having you around." "me too but the only way I can stay a bit longer is if I move the wedding up." "how much?" "next weekend." "oh wow." "Ezra is there anything- no never mind sorry." "say? yeah. but I'm not going to. Not now." "why?" "because I don't know what to say." "I see. you know what I'm pretty tired. you should go." "I should." he got up and walked out. I'm confused I expected more from him to come out of his mouth. I just don't know what I expected him to say I mean he doesn't still love me. I guess I can move this wedding up.

"where'd you go? I woke up, you weren't at my apartment?" "I had to go Nicole. go where to see Aria? you know what meet me at the brew tomorrow please 10 am?" "okay."

**fast forwards**
I woke up and it was about 10:22 am I was late. I drove to the brew and I saw Hanna and Emily sitting by Nicole. she spotted me and walked towards me we sat down. "look, I love you. but when you look at me now it's like you see someone else. your always dropping everything you do now for Aria and I can't help but think there's something going on. I'm sorry but I have to say goodbye." "okay." "okay?" "yeah..." she got up and walked over to the girls.

"like I said there's someone else and I think it's Aria. you think it's not because she's in love with Liam. I never said she had five in love with Ezra. she may still be but is scared he's not. just I think that someone else he sees in me is her. I thought five years away from her he'd be over it but no. the only people who don't know Ezra loves Aria is Ezra and Aria. I'm gonna go. I'll be fine. you should probably look into it. he deserves to be happy."

yay so get excited the next 10 chapters are going to be gut wrenching. some will be short some will be long. some will be dull but the next 10 are going to be what makes this story most likely. be ready.

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