chapter 12: don't let me go

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I ran out the door and I knew exactly what I needed to do. I looked at my ring and realized In that moment. Hanna called wanting to talk. I couldn't talk I drove to Nicole's house I knocked on her door she opened it. "Nicole I'm so so sorry." tears were pouring down my face. "look I'm sorry. All we had is gone now. I know you don't believe it. Just tell him I was I was happy. but my hearts broken not because of him. I'm sorry I hurt you I should have let him go. He's a good guy. just tell him please. I wish you two the best." I turned away to walk away. "Aria.. wait. you should know we broke up." I turned. "wait what..? he he didn't tell me?" "it's fine." I left her apartment and drove straight to mine where Liam was. I walked in to a Liam asleep on the floor with some tools in his hands. the apartment looked great. he woke up and realized it was me and jumped up and threw the tools down and brushed him self off and ran over to me and hugged me. "I'm sorry for everything." "no no don't apologize." "are you okay? you seem upset.." "yeah I was talking to um my mom about her wedding day and it just made me upset about how perfect it was because um um I hope ours is even more perfect." "it will. I promise." he said once more as he pulled me in for a hug." do I tell him? I sat down and realized there's one thing I didn't say to Ezra. I told Liam I'd be back soon. I rushed out and drove back to the hotel to find there was no Ezra. I left the room to run into Hanna. "Aria you've been radio silent. look you need to know I think ezra loves you and Nicole and him broke up. I think it's because she thinks he loves you. please tell me you don't or do have feelings for him. you have to figure this out now." "Hanna I can't do this now.. I know. he told me. I might've said the words back but I told them it was a mistake because I loved Liam." "Aria you said loved. Past do love Ezra. did you ever stop?" "sometimes stories change. maybe our book was never over and fate is giving us a second chance. I don't know. I think I'm still in love with him. I need to go really. call me tomorrow." I ran out of the hotel and drove to the brew. I ran into his office to find a Ezra sitting in the dark. "Aria what are you doing here. go now." "No not till I say what I need to say." "no Aria in done talking. I'm walking away. I'm done with whatever we have or had. when it comes to us I'm out. I'm done dealing with you. I can't deal with losing you again. I need to stay away from you. Liam's the better guy. he doesn't complicate your life. I remember I loved you. I remember you left. everything else is just a blur. You scare me because I can tell you things I can't even tell myself. and I honestly hate myself right now. I've asked too much of you once again. But I won't ever find another you Aria." "Ezra please let me-" "No go.. I don't want to look at you longingly when I know I can't be with you. So I'm smiling, and I'm saying take care now." I walked out in tears.

I can't believe I was letting her go. the world I loved fell apart. Aria. I was thinking about my happiness and now I hate hearing that song. she was always my favorite hello and hardest goodbye. She said forever... she said forever.. how I wish to have her in my arms. I'm over it, I swear but sometimes I still see her face in a crowded room or I find myself looking for her in strangers. sometimes I still feel her hand on my skin and her perfume on my sheets. I never needed drugs. everything I ever loved already destroyed me. Nothing else matters but somehow she does and it makes no sense. I still try and find her eyes on someone else but never do. we had a reckless love. The song that was playing when we first kiss came on on the cd I made. it had a scratch. Kinda like my heart. it skipped every time I saw her. I wish she'd try and not hide that smile because I can see that memory running all around in her mind. I'll find some new though- it'll just always be her.

"mom mom are you home? I need to talk." "baby I'm in here." Aria ran in the kitchen and hugged me tight. "she had tears flooding down her face she sat down at the table. "what happened?" "I did a horrible thing. I think I still love Ezra. It's like my thoughts can't move a single inch without bumping go to some piece of him." "how's that horrible?" "I slept with him last night. he's different. I don't know how to explain it. And it scares me because I don't know what to do anymore." "baby look, someday,someone is going to look at you with light in their eyes you've never seen, he'll look at you like you're everything he's been looking for his entire life. Wait for it." "mom that's how I feel about Ezra. so is this wrong?" "no it's not. but you need to tell Liam. maybe you can work it out maybe not. love will find its way. it always does. There are all kinds of love in this world but never the same love twice." I smiled and hugged her goodbye.

I got back to my apartment. I saw Liam nailing things into the wall. I sat on the couch. "stop please." I sighed and took a deep breath. "I've got this feeling..." "yeah I get those. just wait it'll pass. I promise." "no no Liam. please listen to me. we need to talk." "ok about what Aria you're starting to scare me?" I looked out the window and finally glanced back over to Liam. a tear fell from my eye. "Look I kept telling myself while living in California that there was someone that's suppose to be in my life right now. but then I got this feeling that they won't ever be again. but now I'm here and the feelings back but it doesn't feel the same. look I slept with Ezra. he took my heart years ago and I will never ask for it back." he stood there shocked. tears began falling. he just ran his hands through his hair a few times. "where in the world did go wrong!? I love you Aria was it never enough?" "Liam I'm sorry. So so sorry. I didn't ever mean to-" he cut me off with a slap to the face. I held my face. I looked at him scared of what I saw in him. I've never seen this side of him. "stay here." he demanded.  I was scared of what was next. But I listened.

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