Chapter 11: mistakes

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I leaned harder into the kiss as he pulled me up. just this time I was drunk. "why do you keep coming back?" I said as I pulled away. "I have one very good reason. you. Aria I'm still in love with you." I thought Thailand was everything but it wasn't. You are. You're everything and I'm not going to stop loving because you're the love of my life and I don't think I can ever love someone as much as I do you. I can't stop loving you." "you can't say that Ezra." "tell me not to." he said as he stepped closer. I was completely there knowing what I was doing. "I still love you too." "I will do everything it takes to win you back. I will never lose hope that we will have a second chance." I leaned in and kissed him harder and pulled away out of air I whispered in his ear "follow me." I took him by the hand and ran up the stairs. I unlocked the room as he reached for my waist as I shut the door and pulled me into his body. I smashed my lips onto his. our lips moved in sync. he gently placed me on the bed. I woke up the next morning feeling more guilty. "Ezra what what have I done again!?"
"there's no harm here." he said in his raspy morning voice waking up. "Ezra.." I sighed breaking down in tears at the end of the bed putting my shoes on. "Aria..?" "Ezra last night was a mistake." "How you said you still loved me?" "Ezra that was a mistake too." "no it wasn't." He snapped. "yes it is because I love Liam!" I yelled "look I'm sorry. I made a promise to a man because he gave me a ring and I have to honor it." "if you leave here I'll hate you." he said. more tears fell. "you make love to me then you leave? your bored and you know it or you wouldn't ask me to be here if there wasn't something missing. Picture life for me. Thirty years from now. if it's with him leave now please. I've lost you once and I can deal with it again." "because I thought that's what you wanted." "you never asked me to stay Aria. Don't take the easy way out again."
he said. "I have to go." I said grabbing my jacket. "I'm not bitter anymore because I know what we had was real and I know you know it too." I stared at him and shut the door and left.

I promise I will update tomorrow and make it long. hope this is good. please don't forget to comment and vote it makes me want to write or update faster(:

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