Chapter 23: begin again

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"morning." I said rubbing my eyes. I saw a blur face gently touching my face. "good morning." he said smiling. he leaned over and kissed me. "what a way to wake up. Wish I could wake up to you every morning." she smiled and laughed. he sat up from my bed and ran his fingers through his hair and sighed looking out the window to the street. "Ezra?" I said rubbing his bare back. "you okay?" he slowly turned to face me. "perfectly fine. I'm just confused." "about?" "us.." "What are we?" he questioned as he got up off the bed. I got up from the bed and put my hand to his chest and he held it there. "I love you. I'm not confused about that Ezra and you love me. so let's start with that. take this day by day. I want you and only you. I want to be yours but if you're not ready-" he cut me off "yes I want you to be mine. Only mine. no one else's because I'm so in love with you." "good because I'm so in love with you too." he laughed "we should do something tonight maybe dinner. talk about what we are and what we aren't. you know set some rules." he smirked. "yeah I'd like that." I said wrapping my arms around his waist and leaning in for a kiss teasingly I pulled away. "not fair." he laughed. I smiled and went and jumped in the shower. I came out in a towel. "hey I'm going to go home and um uh well I um." he stuttered looking me up and down. "God... yeah I need to go home and get ready. I'll pick you up around 8?" I nodded.

I left arias and I got a sudden call from my mother. she was in town. she's probably following me. she asked to meet for lunch and catch up. I agreed. I thought it was weird. but I went anyways. "I heard you're seeing Aria again Ezra?" "mom.." "I've known, well I've heard some things happened. look Ezra I met with her. I asked her not to tell you. it was before you were going to leave to China. we talked. she spilled. Ezra I know-" "mom stop please stop judging her I heard it 6 years ago how she was so bad for me. I don't need to hear it again." "no actually I think she's a nice girl. she's changed. she's not the same. I didn't believe she was ever really in love with you back then. I thought she was using you. but now I know." "know what exactly mom?" "she loves you very much. you two are alike and different at the same time and she's so outgoing and I think that's why you like her. you need her Ezra." I smiled and nodded. I bowed my head my mom put her hand on mine over the table. "sweetie, arias different then all the other girls. I didn't like her back then. but I do now. I know when somethings right for my boy. she brings out a completely different side of you. a better side id say." she said laughing. she sighed and reached in her purse. "here, your father gave me this ring oh so many years ago. his mom got it from her husbands mom and so on and so forth. it's been passed down. I think she's the right one Ezra. you take it. you decide. maybe I'm wrong but I'm never wrong. but you decide when to use it. I'm not trying to rush it I just needed you to know." I stared at the ring in my hand. I smiled. "yeah she is the one."

A/n :
What did you guys think? I don't know I thought this would be a cute addition. should Ezra propose? what do you guys think about the chapter anyways?(:

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