chapter 36: pulling the plug

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I got in the room with my mom and dad she was on monitors. she was sitting there telling me how much she loved me and how sorry she was. I couldn't stop crying the machines started beeping and doctors started rushing in. they were rushing her to surgery. they took us out of the room. I felt my heart break. Ezra walked through the doors of the hospital and looked around. he saw me. he rushed to my aid. "oh Ezra." I started sobbing in his chest. he held me in his arms till I calmed down.

"here lets go get some coffee from the cafeteria. Byron would you like to join us?" I asked holding Aria close.

"I better wait on some news as soon as I know anything I'll be down." I nodded and walked Aria downstairs. we just sat there. she didn't talk. she didn't even drink her coffee. she just sat there staring into the distance. I couldn't let her keep staying like this.

"Aria." I snapped.

"sorry.. sorry." she said running her hands through her hair across the table. I grabbed her hands across the table.

"I'm here. I'll always be here. You can talk to me." she finally smiled at me. her dad came walking into the cafeteria. I looked over knowing what his face must mean. I gulped. I let go of her hands.

"Aria.." her dad whispered. she began crying knowing what that meant. my eyes began to water seeing her breakdown like this. we both got up. I thought she wanted to go alone and see her mom. she didn't move two feet away from the table. she turned to me.

"Ezra I can't...." I stood up and held her and rocked her rubbing my hands up and down her back. I kissed her hand and finally she let me wipe her eyes and walk her up to the I.c.u to see her mom. she was still on monitors and everything was making noises just not like before. the doctors came in.

"I'm so sorry. but she only had a few hours left for her organs to be able to be used for others... there's people her that are in need that are exact matches and we need your signature." they said to Aria. she bent down and touched her moms face.

"she's still warm. I can feel her heartbeat. she's brain dead isn't she?" the doctors nodded.

"Aria we really must be doing something-" I cut them off

"stop! don't! which one of you made the mistake? that's who I wish to speak too." They all looked at each other and finally one of them stepped forward.

"explain what happened..." I sighed.

"your um moms skin cancer spread to her brain. she had a tumor. we didn't order a c.t because we thought it was only breast cancer but she was unaware of the skin-"

"no more. so you're telling me I have to choose if my mother gets to breath another ounce of air or die?" I began to cry as they nodded.

"is she in pain?" they all looked down and back up at me "answer me!!" I yelled

"yes.. we can't push anymore medicine through her body. the organs won't make it."

"mom.. mom. if you can hear me I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for all I've ever done. if I've ever be a disappointment to you. I'm sorry for all I've put you through. I'm sorry for any mistake I make from this day forward that lets you down. I love you. I'm sorry. I know you wouldn't give up on me. I'm so sorry... so sorry. sorry I have to give up on you." I began crying. the nurses stepped in and started shutting down machines. the heart monitor went flat line.

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