chapter 25: are you the one

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after I got the okay from Byron and Ella surprised me. I decided I needed to plan this out. I've spent the past two days ignoring Aria trying to not to become distracted I've been rejecting her calls and hiding out at the brew in my office at night and at home in the day. I can't decide weather Aria would want everyone there when it happened or if she'd just want it to be us. I can't decide.

Straight to voicemail again. he's been acting strange ever since I said I basically wanted a family with him. If he doesn't want kids with me or see a future then he can just say so. I'll move on I'll move forward. I can live without him. It'll just be hard for awhile. I'll go try and find him at the brew today. I'll just end it. no hesitation. rip it off like a band-aid and walk out. I drove to the brew I saw Ezra and Caleb talking then Caleb nudged him and he saw me and they started laughing. which was weird. "um ok.. uh Ezra can we talk?" "can't right now working very busy." Caleb left and Ezra walked in his office. I followed I shut the door. "you've been acting strange ever since I said I wanted a family with you. If you don't want that that's fine. ok let's just end it on a clean slate right now before we get to deep into this and yeah okay I'm going to go. Have a nice day." "Aria wait I'm already into deep over my head into this so yes I want a family with you. I'm gonna marry you someday Aria Montgomery" "oh I bet you say that to all the girls." "only the pretty ones." he joked as I laughed, that boyish smile came across his face. "so your gonna marry me one day?" "yeah I am actually." He said. I smiled as I left.

I continued thinking... She really is the one. but how should I do this? everyone there or just me and her somewhere?

short because I just felt like updating and wanted to hear what do you guys think? everyone there or just him and her? you tell me. hope this was kinda cute tho.

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