Chapter 17: throwing it all away

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I sat in my office all night. listening to the same old song. waiting and hoping she'd walk through that door and tell me she was in love. ah what am I saying. I'm in over my head. I'm was just thinking she would come over maybe stay over, and wake up hung over and still head over heels for me. but that doesn't happen in fairy tales. Maybe in our story no matter how much we try and no matter how I want her some stories just don't have a happy ending. I'm sitting here trying to figure out how to end this book and I think I figured it out. write about how we found each other after five years and it wasn't there anymore. we learn and we grow from it. just this story doesn't have a happy ending. I can't find the right words to type in this last chapter. it's like the ending isn't fitting.

it's now 3am and I'm still awake. Im slowly drifting asleep but I can't. drink after drink and I don't know how I feel. The next morning I wake up to a man laying in my bed. I didn't know him. I woke him up. "hey sorry I'm going to go to work now you might want to leave." this repeated for the next two weeks. a new man every other night. who was I becoming? why am I so damaged? it's been a month since I've seen Ezra. Hanna and Emily are coming over to talk to me. They should be here any minute. "aria how are you!? I feel like we haven't talked in forever." "ah I know. I've been busy and in just I don't know all over the place." "why...?" "I don't know me and Ezra were just not friends were nothing. I feel like I'm dying inside. he's back with Nicole. I told him too I didn't tell him Hanna. he asked for a reason to stay and I didn't give him one. I've slept with at least 7 people this past month. I get drunk every night trying to ease the pain away and now in texting Liam again. I'm a wreck. a train wreck and I don't know how much longer I can do this. some days I miss him so much I don't know if I'm going to make it." "aria god you knew you were in love with him so what held you back a month ago?" "I saw him and Nicole kiss! right before I was about to walk in and tell him I thought about everything I was going to say and how I felt about him I was ready but when I saw them kissing all the words fell out of my head and I couldn't figure out what to say next so I said nothing. falling for him was choice! Mine no one else's! and leaving him was mine too. The only difference is to fall for him I didn't force myself, but to leave him I did. I feel like I am losing myself." a tear fell from my eye. Hanna and Emily rubbed my back trying to calm me down. "he isn't worth your tears anymore aria." "yes but he is. he isn't just a normal guy in my eyes. he wasn't just a star. he was my whole damn sky. I think that when you have a connection with someone it never really goes away, you know? You snap back to being important to each other because you still are. It's just my mouth can't translate the things my heart says. When you lose someone who is your entire universe, it hits you all at once then your out of breath. then you realize all the chances you didn't take and all the things you didn't say. I haven't left this house in weeks and I haven't had a decent tasting coffee in weeks. I need to get out and breath fresh air again. I'm falling back into old habits like Liam to ease my pain and I need to distract myself." "aria look lets just go get a cup of coffee. you can have Liam meet us there if you want maybe you to can talk out things." "maybe I don't know." "aria yes you are going to call him because you need a date to rosewoods ball. Ali's taking it on in her mothers footsteps she's going to do the fall one and winter and you need a date." "fine." I texted him to meet me at the brew we needed to talk he agreed since he was in town to get his things. "I'm not going in what if Ezras here or even worse Nicole." "aria you are coming in because you are going to go in and act like it doesn't bother you." I went in and we sat in the brew for awhile and Liam walked in and so Hanna and Emily left me as they laughed there way out. Liam stood there for a moment till he walked and sat next to me he wouldn't talk for a minute. "Liam look-" "aria wait listen, look I'm sorry. sorry doesn't make up for what I did to you but you should know I was on pills. it made me hostile and I'm sorry. I'm no longer on them and I know you love him and I know I don't derive this but will you do me the honor to escort you to rosewoods fall ball?" "sure as friends.." "pick you up at 8?" "yeah see you later. wear a black tie. My dress is black. I suppose we need to match when the photographers are snooping photos for the organization and news channels." we laughed then I saw Ezra walk out from his office he made eye contact with me. I don't think he realized how I was talking to Liam since Liam's back was facing him. I ignored Ezra and went back to talking to Liam.

I walked out of my office and saw aria. she was smiling then she saw me. She was talking to some guy. she looked back at him and broke our contact. I nodded and walked out. did she move on?

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