Chapter 21: with or without you

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I woke up in the morning and thought maybe everything will be alright when I saw his face. he woke up. he smiled at me and stared in my eyes. he took his hand and rubbed his thumb on my cheek. he got up and walked out of his room into his kitchen. I put on my shirt and followed. he started making coffee. He poured us a cup and leaned against his counter and took a sip of his. I stood there. he was only in his boxers. I had flashbacks of everything that happened last night. he carried me to his room and placed me on his bed. he slowly took off my shirt as he kissed my neck. I can still feel his lips pressed against mine. laying kisses down my stomach giving me chills. all fond memories that I want to remember. I snapped back into reality. "what are you thinking?" He asked "that were crazy." He laughed "maybe we are, would that be so wrong?" "I guess not." I smirked as I took a sip of my coffee. he sighed. I looked down at my cup and sat at his kitchen table. "what are we going to do?" "well first you're going to either stay with Liam or leave him for me. I think we know which is the best option here." I laughed "yeah.." then there was a knock on the door. Ezra looked shocked then he looked at his watch. "crap, Nicole said she'd be over at noon to go for lunch then she'd drop me off at work." I sighed. "Ezra I-.." "aria don't worry. you can stay here for the day or leave whenever. I'm going to talk to her today. I'm ending it today. you decide what you want I'll wait. but before I go I'll leave you with this..." he said as he kissed me. I bit my lip as he pulled away. he went to open the door and I went and hid in his room. I heard laughing. he came and got his clothes from the room. he saw me and smiled and ran over to me and gripped my face and kissed me harder than before then he pulled away and stared at me as he sighed and smiled at once. he left. I knew I could trust him and I believe him that he was actually going to end it with her. I decided to go home and then maybe go in and surprise Ezra and see how it went. I got home took a shower and changed my clothes. I did my hair and makeup for the first time in awhile. I felt good. I went to the brew and I walked in Hanna was there. I was all smiles but once I walked in she frowned. she pushed me back out the door. "let's go." "no I need to see Ezra." "no Aria you don't need to be here right now." "why get out of my way?" I moved her out of my way and as I did I took a glance through the window and saw Ezra kissing her on that couch something we did ages ago. "he said he said he said he was ending it.." "I'm so sorry Aria." "don't be I should've known." I did the unexpected. I walked the brew I ordered a coffee and I saw Ezra jump up. I saw him stand awkwardly like he was confused by what they just did. he didn't notice me but finally a tear broke from my eye. I gasped it was loud. Ezra heard. Nicole didn't see me. "I'll come by later. we will talk then." she walked out. "Aria wait." I got outside of the brew. "just leave me alone. Stay away from me. your not my boyfriend. your nothing. it's fine you're staying with her." "aria please calm down I know how you feel." "I highly doubt that. when's China huh?" "what what are you talking about?" "China when does she leave?" "in two day. Aria please the kiss-" "stop. No need to explain anything to me! just go! go to China! It'd be good for you. I don't want to see your face ever again. you hear me?" "Aria do you really want me to go?" "yes go. go now." "oh I'm going." he said back. I stood there. "good leave tomorrow!" "I will!" he picked up his phone and dialed some numbers. "Nicole I changed my mind. let's not end this. let's go to China. maybe your right. I didn't want that long distance relationship. we can go together. Yeah yeah I love you too." he stood there and hearing him say those words to her stung. a tear fell from my eye. I could see the hurt in his face too. I walked away as the tears fell from my face. I'm walking away with or without him now.

aw I'm sorry I don't know what I just did

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