chapter 13: save me

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I walked in the brew and asked for Ezra they told me I could go in his office. I walked in. "Ezra are you leaving here? you need to leave. Aria doesn't want to leave this place. she won't listen. I'll make her listen if you don't leave though." "Liam calm down what do you mean?" "you know exactly what sleeping with my fiancée? what did you do drug her? You need to go." "no Liam I think you need to leave my office right now because I'm not leaving her (or here) this is my home. she's my home." right as I was about to punch him my phone rang. "what Aria!? I'm on my way. I just had to take care of some business." "don't talk to her like that." He said. "don't tell me what to do. but you better stay the hell away from her." I walked out and headed back to the apartment. I was enraged. "Aria look. I don't know why I did that. I'm sorry. look I can either beat the crap out of him or I can stay with you but either way I don't think I'm ever going to fully have you. I'm not going to beg you. you have the choice. But first I need to know do you live him?" she ignored the question. "Aria do you still love him!?" I yelled. I slapped her once more. a tear finally fell. "yes I love him. I love him more than anything else in this world. And there is nothing if rather do than hold on to him forever. I know it's not for the best. So no matter how much my heart is going to break, I've got to let him go so he can know just how much I love him. Maybe if I'm lucky, he'll come back, but if not I can make it through this. you can punch me. you can do anything you want to me just please don't touch him. beating me isn't half the pain I feel not being his. Ezra has already made a choice that he doesn't want me. I'll stay with you but that doesn't change how I feel about him." she said.

this honestly isn't half the pain I feel. "I won't beg you to love me. I learned along time ago that there is no use in persuading someone to stay when they don't value you the same way you do. I am too good to chase someone who doesn't know my worth. Do you want to be with me? I can't trust you anymore!" he said "no. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I said as tears fell down my face. "I've loved you I really did. take this ring. give it to someone who will love you forever. I'm sorry." "ok I'll go. you can have this place Aria. I'm sorry too. I'm sorry I wasn't enough."  I nodded and watched him leave so willing. "wait where are you going to stay tonight?" "I'll stay at the hotel and I'll leave first thing tomorrow." he closed the door and left. I looked in the mirror and saw how black my eye was. I grabbed a hoodie. I drove to Ezras place. He wasn't home. I sat on the stairs in the rain till he got home. "Aria what what are you doing here!? you make it so damn hard and I'm trying to get out of your freaking life like Liam told me and I can't-" he stopped talking as I turned my face towards him and he saw my eye. "can I just be here for a minute? Please."

It gets so much better soon. hang in there friends. Xoxo.

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