chapter 44: she's leaving home

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ezra stood there scared for what I was to say next. But here we are face to face. He knows whatever i say next will change everything. I mean we've faced day by day together. Our chapter is empty now and it feels as if the story has just begun.

"aria please whatever you're about to say next just know when it hurts so much that you feel like you can't breathe that's when you know you're still alive."

"what defines us is how well we rise after falling and I need space..." I stopped talking and realized there will be a time when we must choose between what is easy and what is right. but sometimes you got to be your own hero and save your own heart. No matter how long we prepare for a moment or for what we say next we are never fully prepared.
I walked in our room and grabbed my bags I packed and walked back downstairs. he stood up almost imdentially after he saw them.

"please.." he begged. it hurt watching him cry. I cried too.

"i need time to figure out who I am. We might be apart you'll always be with me wherever I go." he ran over to me hugging and cried begging me not to go.

"Aria do you even love me anymore?" I looked down at him and sighed and walked away running my hands through my hair I turned around to face him.

"honestly? I'm not sure anymore. I can't love someone I've messed up and changed for the worst but I do know I don't want to ever lose you." he nodded

"I don't ever want to lose you either... so what do we do?"

"I'll go my way and you go yours. I've got your heart with me and you've got mine. I'll always be your aria don't forget that. I know I'll miss you but I gotta figure myself out to see if there's even an us left. You know my number call me anytime. if its 2 in the morning and you're feeling lonely or even if you just want to hear my voice I'll pick up Because I love you. Don't move on, don't forget me, I'll be back before you know it." I picked up my bags and walked them out the door staring back in the rear view window as Ezra ran to the street standing there hopeless. I looked ahead and didn't turn back. a tear shed from my eye and it hurt knowing Ezra wasn't there to wipe it away anymore...

A/n it's short I know but I needed to leave you with this. ahh the title fits it right? What did you think?

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