chapter 15: priorities

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I woke up to the smell of pancakes and syrup. I walked downstairs. I saw Ezra outside talking to Nicole. it ended in a hug. I ran back up the stairs till he walked in. I walked down the stairs .  He looked up at me. "hey your up, I made some breakfast. come eat." I smiled. I walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. I ate some food. "How do you feel?" he asked sipping his coffee in front of me. "better. are you going to tell me where you went last night?" "don't worry about it." "Ezra all I can at this point is worry. please.." "I went and uh talked to Liam." "what? what? What did you do.." "Aria I punched him and told him to never touch you again because if he does I'll kill him." "Ezra you didn't have to do that." "yes yes I did. he hurt you and I don't want anyone to ever hurt you." "why?" "Aria because you're you and and I just don't like seeing you hurt." I sighed. I expected hear more. "so was that Nicole this morning?" "you saw that? yeah... I don't know what we are honestly she just stopped by to pick up her purse she left here. we've talked just not completely." "do you love her?" Ezra ignored my question. "Ezra please do you love her?" "honestly right now I'm not concerned with her right now all I care about right now is that you're safe and that's my main priority right now." I couldn't help but smile at him across the table. he got me another ice pack and came and sat next to me and held it there. "how's that feel?" "good." "it's gone down a lot I'm so sorry Aria." "why?" "because if I didn't make you leave that wouldn't have happened. if I didn't sleep with you that wouldn't have happened. if I would've stayed away that wouldn't happened. if I would've kept how I felt about you to myself this wouldn't have happened." "Ezra." I said pulling his hand down from my eye and held it in my lap. "I don't regret one thing you said or did. because it feels good. If you didn't say any of that or do it we wouldn't be here and I'm happy being here. I'm happy being anywhere honestly as long as it's with you." he stared into my eyes and finally I broke the staring by looking away. he tilted my chin back to facing him. he smiled at me and got up. "Ezra I better go I've been too much of a hassle already but thank you for everything really I must be going." "Aria no I don't want you hurt. I feel better knowing where you are. I like knowing you're safe." "I'll be at my apartment. I'll lock my doors, I'll text you updates, I'll even call you when I get there." "fine, can I at least drive you?" he said. I smiled willingly and let him drive me home. he walked me into my apartment and waked around checking everything. "okay hand me your phone." "why?" "I need to put me on your speed dial list as your #1." "no don't do that Ezra please don't." he grabbed my phone and stared at it for a moment. he looked up and smiled. "I'm still your number one?" "yes don't get big headed about it. I deleted your number forever ago but I always kept your name as my number one just that's how I kept myself from calling you most nights by deleting it. but I knew it by heart..." he handed me my phone. "call me if you need anything I mean anything. I'm gonna go now okay? I'll call you when I get home. "I I lo- I'll uh see you later" he stuttered. "bye Ezra." I laughed. I had to let him let me go. he needs to fix things with Nicole. he loves her..

after an hour or two I began to wander when Ezra was going to call. the night fell and I grew scared. I had all the lights off but the lamp next to the couch. I laid here. I felt like I heard noises.

After taking Aria home I went to the brew to do some more writing. I ended up falling asleep on my desk. I woke up to hearing my phone ring. I looked at my phone to seeing 3 missed calls and back to back and 8 messages. all from Aria. then there was nothing for about 2 minutes. I drove as fast as I could to her house. I banged on the door. I heard crying. God no is she hurt again? the door opened it was Aria. all the lights were out but a lamp. I turned the light switch on. she was wiping her tears away. "Aria what's wrong what happened!?" I said as I placed my arms on her shoulders. I pulled her into a hug and I felt my shirt soak from her tears. "nothing just I need you. I'm scared. please stay with me." "shh calm down. I'll stay." I said as I kissed the top of her head. I shut the door behind us and locked it and carried her to bed. I laid her down and rolled over next to her and held her. "Ezra remember when we had a fight a few weeks ago? I said you weren't my home anymore?" "yeah I remember..." "I'm sorry." she whispered. "don't be Aria. it's okay I get it." "no no you don't because. I need to tell you something I just don't know how."

the next day I woke up Ezra was still asleep. Hanna wanted to stop by to drop some stuff off. she asked why I was so quick of pushing her out. "Ezra's here..." I sighed. "so he's the one?" "I really wish he wasn't Han. Why do I always bring myself back to him? could our second chance be good?" "no you don't, are you guys together?" "no no I don't think so..." "what happened to your eye? It's kinda blue and puffy?" she questioned. "oh you know clumsy me. texting and well doors. if that explains it." "yeah I get it what happened to Liam?" "we're through. he knows. I know. we called it quits. I think." "why?" "well I admitted I was in love with..-" "hey who's here?" I heard a voice say coming towards me. "let's talk later. he's coming." I shut the door and locked it. "Ezra.. hi oh it was Hanna. look you don't have to be here if you don't want too. if you have somewhere else to be or whatever." "Aria stop. I want to be here. I don't have anywhere else to be besides being here with you." I smiled and hugged him. "I do have to be at the brew in an hour. wanna come?" "uh Ezra I don't know. can I meet you there? I need to get in the shower and get ready. I'll meet you there." "okay I'll see you there. lock the door behind me please" I smiled staring at him over how protective he was.

I drove to the hotel to check and see if Liam was still there. he checked out. we're in the clear. I headed to the brew and when I got there Nicole was there. she asked if I had a minute. we sat down and had coffee and she finally started to talk. "we ended things on a weird note.." "yeah Nicole I'm sorry you thought I was in love with-" "stop its okay. I don't know if you do. honestly don't wanna know the truth. just I know she's in love with you and you need to decide what you. me or her. the choice is simple because either way I'll be okay because I want what's best for you." "Nicole shes she's not in love with me. she's um already made that clear and I don't know if I was okay with it in the moment but like now I'm okay. yeah I'm okay." "ahh Ezra, you really don't see it huh?" she asked "see what?" I asked her puzzled. "the way she looks at you isn't the same she looks at other guys. it's not the same way she looks at Liam. I noticed it when we were at dinner. I notice things Ezra." I looked down at my cup and thought to myself  'could this really be true? Aria?' "it's weird Ezra because I feel like she brings out a completely different side of you that I've never seen.

before I went to the brew I went to see Hanna. we talked for awhile. "so what do you plan on doing anyways Aria? you're a grown up now... your aloud to tell him how you feel. he's aloud to speak up too. why are you being so stubborn." "I don't know.. honestly it's pathetic how much I hope it's still me and him in the end. it's like I'll always be in love with him. he's the love of my life. it's like I'll never love another man the same. when we kissed a few weeks back it's like nothing changed. I wasn't engaged. it felt the same like there was no one else. I realized maybe existing wasn't such a bad thing if I got to be with him but then I opened my mouth and said it was a mistake" "Aria so here's what I know. you're in love with him and he's in love with you and it's like a goddamn tragedy because you look at him and see the stars and he looks at you and sees the sun and you both think that the other is just looking at the ground." "Han I jut want someone to choose me and never stop choosing  me." "what do I do? I'm scared to tell him how I feel." "well you need to stop waiting. tell him. tell him before someone else comes along and takes him away forever. maybe this is your second chance. go. go now. tell him." "okay. okay yeah I'm going, I'm going to do it. I'm going to tell him." I left Hannas house and headed to the brew.

"okay well I'm going to go now, I'll let you get back to your work. call me when you have it figured out." Nicole began to walk away and so I stood up to head back to the office she turned around. "wait before I go.." she kissed me. "just a little reminder.." she giggled I smiled as she walked out. I stood there suddenly confused because I thought my answer was always Aria.

just as I was about to walk in I looked through the window and saw him and her kissing. she walked out. I stood still in my tracks. it was like my whole world came crumbling down. I was about to tell him how I feel but now I'm not so sure. do I walk in? yes of course. I walked in. "Aria!? oh uh wanna come in my office." he sounded strange. "you okay? You sound weird." "yeah yeah I'm fine. actually Ezra I came here to talk about something but now I'm not so sure. I'll call you later.." "Aria wait." "no Ezra, I need to go."

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