chapter 33: as we know it

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"aww look at the newly weds." Hanna said smiling bigger than I've ever seen. she hugged Ezra and I. "here this is from jordan and I. Single malt scotch for you and red wine for you." she said handing me and Ezra each a bottle.

"you shouldn't have." I said welcoming them inside. Ezra walked them towards the kitchen where all the appetizers were and got them some drinks. Hanna and jordan look so happy together. Ali and her husband walked in handing me a present walking into the kitchen. everyone kept piling in. I stood in the kitchen next to Ezra sipping my wine as he hand his other arm around me smiling and laughing talking to everyone I couldn't help but keep looking up to him. he amazes me. I heard the door open I looked and saw my mom walk through the door along with my father. Mike was already here somewhere. my mom didn't look herself. I chocked on my wine.

"uh hi mom." I said unwrapping myself from Ezra and practically running to her. she pulled away. she looked so fragile. she walked over to Ezra hugging him. she whispered something in his arm all I heard him say was "I will." smiling at me. I was confused but I hugged my dad.

"want a tour of the house?" he nodded I wrapped my arms around his and showed him our house. "dad what's wrong with mom? why is she acting strange?"

"nothing you should worry about I'm sure. she'll tell you when she's ready." I nodded and walked back into the kitchen to peck Ezra on the lips. we all made our way to the dinning room and Ezra and I went and grabbed all the food and placed it out on the table. everyone was talking and laughing and enjoying them selves but all I could worry about is my mom. I just stared at her until Ezra nudged me. he placed his hand on my inner thigh. somehow it calmed me down. I placed my hand over his wanting him to keep it there forever. he gave me his little boyish smile. I still felt froze in place worrying about my mom and what her news must be. what is she hiding? I hope everything is okay. I just got happy and usually when I get happy somehow something goes bad. my mom brought up the topic about kids.

"mom I just began my career and Ezra just started writing his second book we aren't in that place yet I don't think."

"well you should think about that soon." everyone laughed I fake laughed. my mom got up from the table and asked where the bathroom was I told her where the closet one was. she was in there for while. I finally got up and went to find her. I knocked on the door she said she'd be out in a minute  I opened the door. "you okay.." I asked seeing her sitting there throwing up. "mom?" I bent down next to her and rubbed my hand up and down her back.

"tell me the truth. your sick aren't you?" I sighed

"I have an ammonia... yeah I just didn't want to tell you and worry you with it since you just got married." I sighed of relief. suddenly a smile spread across my face.

"oh thank god. I thought it was more serious. I was so worried. I know you'd tell me if it was more serious." I said hugging her.

"yeah.... So grand babies?" she asked again I laughed.

"if it happens and I become pregnant you will know before anyone. I promise. but now it won't happen soon." I laughed still hugging her.

is Ella telling the truth....

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