Chapter 18: spotted

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I walked into the ball arm and arm with Liam. Immediately when we walked in everyone turned and stared. Liam had his mask on I didn't have mine on yet. I saw a man staring at me I could tell that brown curly hair anywhere. "would you get me something to drink?" I asked Liam he willing waked to get it. I walked towards Ezra and saw people stare at me and Ezra. "so who's the lucky man?" "oh you wouldn't know him." "so I see... does he make you happy?" "ezra can we not do this here right now please." "yeah sure. Well you look beautiful tonight." "well thank you. I must really be going. where's Nicole?" "oh you know she went to the bathroom." "ah ok save me a dance later?" I laughed. he nodded. I put my mask on and went to find Liam. we began to dance. I held him tight but when the song was all over I realized I should find Ezra now. I told Liam I'd find him later that I owed someone a dance. I went and found Ezra. he was away from Nicole. "so can I have that dance now?" He laughed and took me by the hand and pulled me in close. one arm wrapped around my body and the other hand in his over his heart. we made our way to the middle of the room. "remember how we used to dance, and everyone wanted to be you and me?" he leaned back, looked me in the eyes "yeah I remember."  but when the song ended I didn't want to let go. it was different when I was dancing with Ezra or just in his arms I didn't want to ever let go. when we finally let go everyone started clapping and everyone was facing us as we were in the center of the room. "why.. why are they all staring at you?" "believe me they're all staring at you." he said with a smile on his face. "So this is it?" he asked "we should hangout tomorrow have some coffee or go for lunch or something since we're friends."  "You're not a friend. We're adults and busy. No reason to stay in constant contact with you to prove our friendship not when we're not friends. just know when or if you need me I'm here. I really must be getting back to Liam now I'll see you later." I turned to walk away when I realized I said his name. Ezra grabbed my shoulder. "Liam... Liam's here? with you? where? aria why?" "did I say Liam? Sorry old habits." "aria you're lying." I sighed "I know Ezra I know and I know I promised I'd never go back to him but he told me why he hurt me he was on pills but he doesn't take them anymore and we're going to try and work on this, us." "aria you're going to get hurt again and when you do I won't be here." a tear fell from my eye I nodded my head because maybe he was right. "has it always been him? tell me when we were in bed who did you think about? him or me? when our lips met who did you picture him or me?" "him Ezra him. it's always been him. God now I'm lying again. I pictured you only you. you were all I wanted and I just wasn't what you wanted and now I'm alone. so I'm waking away now to Liam and if I get hurt again it'll be on me not you because no matter how much he hurts me it can't match the pain I feel." I turned and quickly walked away because I couldn't stay for another moment of him talking. I hurt too much. Instead I sat down and watched Ezra dance with Nicole. she whispered something in his ear and ran out must have been some kind of emergency. I sat there and Liam found me and Ezra spotted me. I asked Liam to take me home.

Nicole ran to the car and I was going to tell aria I was sorry I was just upset but she left with him..

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