Sienna's Return

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Darren thought about how he had to get Angel to like him. What did John Croffman have that Darren didn't? Black clothing, suave attitude, strength that he used to beat people up... Darren had a plan. He snuck into  Croffman's house while Angel was at the funeral. He dug through all of Croffman's clothes until he got a few shirts, some jeans, and a few black jackets, plus a pair of combat boots. After that, he went to find Angel. She was at the Rabbit Hole, already high. So Darren strutted over, sat next to her, and said the bartender 

"A shot of vodka." The bartender nodded, then went to make the drink. Angel scooted over and sat next to him.

"Bit strong for a a newcomer, aye?" She said. He nodded.

"Yeah, but I like to live on the edge." He said.  And that's how their relationship grew.  Darren was pretty good at guessing what Angel wanted to do. She was actually a pretty good person when you got to know her. Soon, they were making out whenever. Sometimes she would even try to get him in bed, but he would decline. He wasn't really into going that far. Then one day, Darren took Angel to the most romantic spot he knew, Sienna's favourite spot, right over the toll bridge. Then he kissed her. Not made out with her, but a real true love's kiss. As he did, he slipped the pendant on her. She pushed him away, and a bright glow came from the necklace. Then stopped.

"Sienna?" He asked wearily. She looked at him.


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