chapter 49

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Chapter 49
Friday the 11th

I guess they saw us following them, and thought we were someone else so they started shooting at my car on the abandoned road. We all ducked down and screamed I stopped my car just in time before we ran into a tree. "Oo Jesus" my heart was beating rapidly in my chest. "Oh shit there coming" Rileigh said "should we play dead or should we just drive away right now" Kendall suggested the boys came closer to the car and realized it was us. We get out of the car and I stood in front of Cameron. He abruptly grabbed my shoulders and slammed me against the car "ow cameron!" I hit him in his arm "why are you here jordan?" He was looking right in my eyes and our noses were almost touching. I pushed him back "because I'm not letting you do this without me cameron. I told you I'm not going anywhere without you. I love you cameron" I stressed to him "look, I know you do, but I don't want you to get hurt out there, not again. So please just go" I crossed my arms and examined my nails "im not going anywhere, unless it's with you so" he groaned "Jordan what do you not understand?! Go. Home" he punched my window breaking it to pieces. I looked at him and walked forward grabbing his chin "I'm not leaving"

In the end, we all ended up going. Currently in the car holding Cameron's hand and leaning on him. "Alright guys, we're here so stay by us. Don't talk, just listen alright" Ben said swerving the car into what looked like the woods. We got out and walked deeper &deeper in. We came across the same boys we saw at the gym, but plus 32. "Cameron, i see you brought everyone" the guy said which i still didn't know "yup, not by choice they followed me" the guy smiled "have yo-" cameron cut him off "I don't have time for small talk, I am choosing to join your gang again." My eyebrows twisted "hu-" Ben covered my mouth and dragged me behind everyone and I couldn't see anything "shut up" he said I kneed him "don't tell me to shut up" we were whispering at each other. And I walked back to where I was "oh about that Cameron. We don't want you anymore. We want her" he pointed at me "that wasn't the deal Chris. Watch where your stepping." Cameron warned him he chuckled "just give her to me. Its easy" Chris walked closer "and may I add, she's looking sexy as hell tonight" he winked at me and I curled my face in disgust. He came closer to me and cameron stood in front of me. Chris looked at us all and his eyes lit up "its another one boys" he was looking at Rileigh "they're twins, this is amazing I want her to" hell to the no. Ben came out the cut and punched Chris right in his face and continuously started hitting him while his boys were loading their guns. Cameron pulled him off and pushed him back a little "if I don't get those girls I will kill all of you, including your precious little Lina and your fucking madrina or whatever the fuck you call her" he was looking at me my heart beat increased "I'll go, just me though." Rileigh and I said at the same time "Rileigh please" I looked at ben and he grabbed her waist "jordan, don't leave me" Rileigh was crying, breaking my insides. I blew her a kiss "let's go" I started walking forward but cameron grabbed grabbed my wrist and I shrugged his arm off and i still didn't turn around to face him "tell them I love them" a tear streamed down my face "I love you cameron" chris grabbed my waist putting my body infront of his I was far enough from them and I glanced behind me seeing every one of them had their guns lined up. I took a deep breath in and took the knife out of the top to my dress and stabbed him in his throat. Blood squirted out all over me and I quickly ran behind the nearest tree hearing gun shots coming from every direction. It was all part of a plan. I went back over to tori and Kendall and I gave them bone crushing hugs "oh my gosh" tori said I picked up a gun "let's just get this over with. "

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