The Start

428 4 16

Chester's P.O.V

I run to the Dunkin Donuts across the street from Sunset Valley High School.  I look at my watch and I see that's it's 10 past 8. Hopefully, there isn't a long line, I can't be late. That would just be weird right? I scold my students when they are late, but me being late is a different story. I walk in and luckily there isn't a long line.

"Hi, can I get a large *Oreo Iced Coffee and 2 dozen donuts? Just randomize them."


I walk-run across the street. All the cars are honking on at me because it's a green light, but I need to get to school. I accidentally bump into someone as I am crossing. I can't catch a glimpse of the person, but it seems as if they are in a rush as well. I end up at the school's front yawn. I look around and see some kids still outside. The first bell hasn't rang yet, but even then, they don't get to class THAT early. Usually, 30 seconds before the late bell. I walk into the school and I go to the main office. I put all my boxes of **doughnuts on the counter. I walk in the back and I put my information. I look at all the teachers who are here. Only one is missing. Ms.Garder isn't signed in, and she is usually the first person. I walk back to the front. Hannah, the secretary, smiles at me.

"Morning Chester. How are you today?" She says as she adjusts her bow-tie.

"Couldn't be better Hannah. Hey, do you know where Ms.Garder is?" I ask, picking up my doughnuts

"Remember her hip? Well she is getting surgery for it, and we don't know how long that might take. Hey, maybe she will finally retire. That lady is older then George Washington." She mumbles the last part but I still heard her and I laugh. It's true. Ms.Garder is quite old, she has been here longer then the principle has been here anyways. If she retired, I wonder what might happen.

"Hmm, so who is taking over her class?"

"I don't know. I just know it's this pretty blonde women that I saw earlier. Then she went to get some coffee or something. She's really cute." She said winking and a small smirk

"Oh gosh Hannah, a crush at the office already? You like any women you see." This is true.

"Oh, she's not really my type. More of your type I should say." She winked at me again. I laughed and I handed her a glazed doughnut.

"I'll see you later."


I arrive at my classroom, and surprisingly, all my morning kids are there. I am shocked as they all usually arrive before the late bell.

"We heard you had doughnuts." Jake, said from the back.

"Well, that is correct. But you have to work for the doughnut. I'm going to be asking a series of questions about what we learned about World War 2 last week. I made it Jeopardy style, but instead of money, you get doughnuts. Now, everybody, pair up into groups of 4."


Time for class to begin.


"Alright, class, that's the end of our World War 2 unit. Tomorrow we'll learn about everyone's favorite person, Shakespeare."

All my students pack up their bags and leave. I just sit in my desk as I see my empty classroom. I laugh silently. Those students would do anything for food. I hear a knock on my door. I look up to see Hannah, standing with a blonde women.

"Chester, this is Grace Helbig. She is the substitute for Ms.Garder. Would you mind helping her? Showing her the stuff and what not?" Hannah says with a small smile

"No of course I don't mind." I get up as I shake Grace's hand. I look directly at Hannah. I give her the "I'll hurt you later look" Then I look into Grace's eyes. She has big chocolate brown eyes. My breath almost

Grace's P.O.V

stops as I look at him. I can't believe what I am looking at. Who I am looking at for my that matter. He's

Chester's P.O.V

gorgeous. By far the most beautiful person I have ever seen. I wonder what it's like to

Grace's P.O.V

date him? Grace, stop. You don't even know him right. It's just a harmless

Chester's P.O.V

crush right? No feelings right? But why does it feel like we've been staring forever?

"Um, it's very nice to meet you, Chester." Grace says, after a while.

"What? Oh um, yeah, nice to meet you too." I can hear Hannah trying not to laugh.

"Well, I'm gonna leave you two alone, so you guys can work. Just tell me if you need anything."

Hannah walks away

"So, um, where should we start?" Grace asks me

I honestly. Don't. Know


(A/N) Hey my beautiful bouncing unicorns? How was the rainbow today?? It's been (a long day without you my friend) a looooooooooooooong time since i have written fanfiction, let alone been on wattpad. Um, i dont know how this story is going to go, i dont know how its gonna be critcized. If just a few people read this then I will keep publishing, but i will publish anyways ha ha :).

*I am currently obessed with the Oreo Iced coffee. if you havnt tried it, then you should

**this is how i spell doughnuts. I spell it the long way instead of donuts i know i know ill be shunned now

Please drop your comments and like this cause it'll encourage me to keep going for my honey bunches of oats. Ok imma stop rambling now ;3

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