The Control

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Grace's P.O.V

After leaving Avi's and Kirstie's and arriving home, the smell in the house is significantly different than its bland house smell.

"Is that, tomato sauce?" Chester asks and I nod. But I smell something else.

"I also smell, chocolate?" I say and Chester nods. We both wander into the kitchen and we see the girls icing a chocolate cake. Vanessa looks up, a bit of icing on her left cheek and smiles.

"Hey guys. We thought we could cook something. So we made lasagna and a cake because I knew you were craving one the other day Grace." She says and Veronica looks up.

"Okay, done." She says and claps her hands once she has finished.

"Aw guys, that's so sweet." I say and clap my hands. 

"Okay, let's dig in!" Chester says and we all go to the table so we can eat.


The next day, we go back to school, after it seems like forever. I walk into the office and I see Hannah doing her job.

"Hey Hannah." I say, walking behind the desk in order to get to her. She looks up from her work.

"Hey Grace. Whoa! Look at that stomach!" Hannah says and we both laugh "It's been a while Grace. How is everything?"

"Just perfect. I feel like nothing bad can happen right now. Everything is happening so perfectly. Hey, are you still with Ingrid?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"We broke it off a while ago. It wasn't..working out I guess." Hannah puts her head back down and I pat her on the back

"I'm sorry."

"I am too."


After settling in my office, I get a call from Veronica.

"Hey, is there something wrong?" I ask her

"Um no. I just, wanted to make sure you got there okay. I don't know, I just had a weird feeling today. But you're okay so that's good. Have a good day." She hangs up and I frown at the phone. I shrug it off, assuming she is being paranoid. Someone knocks on my door and before I can tell them to come in, they come in. It takes me a minute to register that it isn't a student. However a strange man. And then a gun is pointed to my head.

"GET DOWN!" The person says and I quickly comply, holding back my tears. I get on my knees and they circle around me, grunting in a low voice. I choke back my tears, hoping nothing bad can happen to the baby. I think of everything I can try to do in this situation, and nothing comes to my mind because I know if I move out of place, he'll hurt us.

"What's your name hm?" I can register it is a guy's voice, but it is very unfamiliar.

"G-grace." I cackle out. He chuckles.

"Such a beautiful name to such a tragedy." I look around the room, trying to find something I can use to hit him and I can only think of the stapler on my desk. If only I can get it. He keeps circling me and I keep my eyes shut. I hear moving further and I see he is turned away, looking at some quotes on my wall. I slowly inch my way to my desk and try to feel for the stapler without causing a commotion.

"Well, I'll have you know-" He starts to say but I throw the stapler at his head and run out of the room. I start to yell "Fire!" because it'll gather the attention more quickly, and I try to find a fire alarm. I quickly see one next to some lockers and I pull the trigger before I suddenly fall on the ground. I look around and I see the shooter, aiming his gun at me and then suddenly he is tackled to the ground by another teacher, the gun flying out of his hands. The students start to file out of their classrooms, some on their phones, trying to get a hold of someone. I quickly stand back up, and grab my left arm in pain. I take my hand off it and I see blood.


I wake up in a hospital, the smell of latex gloves filling the room. Chester is sitting next to me and smiles when he sees I woke up.

"Hey." He says, chuckling and I look at his eyes to see they are bloodshot.

"Have you been crying?" I ask him and he shakes his head

"Nah. My eyes were just sweating. Of course I was crying! I was gonna lose three people in my life if something worse happened to you." 

"Exactly what happened to me?" I try to move, but my left arm is numb and it hurts to move. Chester quickly stands up and makes my lay back down. He kisses my forehead.

"You wore shot. In the arm. Blood loss. Um, nothing is wrong with the children."

"Do they know the shooter?"

"Does Rodger Helbig ring a bell?"


(A/N) A shorter chapter, but I had to get something out

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