The Girl's Night Out

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Mamrie and I stumble outside our house, yelling down the street and we do notice people looking at us, but we don't care. What are they going to do? Call the cops? It's San Francisco! Who cares!

"I'm KING Grace! FReaking KIIING" Mamrie say as she slys over my shoulder

"King of what?! DRunkness?" I yell at her, and Mamrie cackles.

"Grace. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAACE. I'm hungry. I want chips." Mamrie says

"You bwrought the bwag of chippies with you Mamrieee." I say, pouting my lower lip

"OK? This is Lays and I want the salt and onion one. Wait, is that even one of the flavors?" Mamrie says to me

"I don't know. I'm a cheetos girl. C'mon, let's go to 7/11" I say, dragging her arm while she sings the tune of Spongebob


We enter 7/11 QUITE loudly. We stumble our way to the chip section and look over the chips.

"Grace, I may want Doritos now. Or Fritos. Or that spicy one. I don't know. Did i bring my wallet? Did YOU bring you're wallet?" I look into my pockets and lucky for her, I did actually manage to put my wallet in my sweater pocket.

"Just get them all! They're like 2 dollars each, then we get like 5 bags and we can just eat them!" Mamrie face lights up and she grabs 5 bags off the shelf and I stick with my Cheetos. We walk to the cashier and they look like a high school-er. I feel like I teach but my memory is a little bit faded.

"Um, is that all?" They ask.

"YUP. Cause you don't have alcohol here right?" Mamrie asks

"Actually, it's in the back.."The employee says, Mamrie gasps, but I hold her arm and shake my head. I'm not trying to get more drunk.

"Total is 8 dollars."

"WHAT? Thats cheap for 6 bags of chips! Holy sheet of paper that's something. WOW!" I say, quite impressed by what I'm saving apparently

"I mean they are each 1.50 each-"

"Wow, how did you do that? Are you Albert Eisenstein! OMG you totally are! I need a picture." Mamrie says as she pulls out her phone and snaps a quick selfie with the poor guy, but I'm laughing along. We grab our bags and leave


Somehow, we ended up in a park and we are just eating bags of chips on a bench. She lays her head on my shoulder

"What happens now Grace?" Mamrie asks

"We probably should get home and-"

"No. What happens when we both get married and have kids and part ways. What if we never talk to each other again."

"Mamrie. You're my best friend and that's not gonna change. Not even when our boobs sag and we have stretch marks or we get fired and we get promotions and we accidentally bake a whole egg in a cake. We'll be best friends." I say, stroking her hair. I hear her laugh under me

"I feel like I'm gonna lose you quite soon. You have Chester and I have no one."

"Mamrie, don't think like that. You'll find someone. You will." I kiss the top of her head and pull her closer and i can see her tears falling onto my sweats.

"I almost told Chester about my mother." She says quietly.

"Oh my, Mamrie."

I don't know how it happened. We were talking about you and how he is literally PERFECT for you and like that came up and I don't know. I tried to push it past, but it's hard. Especially when your mother had the audacity  to just walk out and leave ME behind. She didn't even tell me goodbye. She just wasn't there when I woke up and-"

"Sweets, I know the story." I say as I keep stroking her hair

"I still have the scar. Where that bastard  stabbed me."

"I know Mamrie."

I know. 

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