The Delivery

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"So won't you say goodnight, so I can say goodbye."

Grace's P.O.V

"Do people in labor usually take this long?" Chester says and I shrug

"It's like someone is forcing me to keep in these children in order to progress our story longer." I say, laying my head on the pillow. I go through another contraction and I squeeze Chester's hand. I yell in pain and Chester stands up.

"Should I get the nurse? The doctor? The security guard?" Chester says and I just nod my head. I press the "Emergency" button on my remote and seconds later a doctor comes

"Okay Grace. We are gonna check you now." He lifts up my hospital robe and checks whatever he needs to and nods

"They're ready to come out Grace. Are you ready?" The doctor says. I nod

"Just get them out of me already!" I yell and the doctor chuckles.

"Chester, do you wanna stay in the room?" The doctor asks

"I might faint if I do. So yeah." Chester comes up to my side and holds my hand.

"Let's do this."


"Hey baby." I say to the baby on my chest. It coos and yawns. I wipe my eyes again, as I keep crying. I look over to Chester who has the other child and even though he doesn't want to seem less manly in front of the doctor, he cries.

"A boy and a girl. Who would have thought." Chester says and I smile.

"Oh my gosh I'm just so freaking happy they are out of me." I lift up the girl. "You caused me a lot of pain, yes you did, oh yes you did." I lay her back on my chest.

"Do they look the same?" Chester says and I nod a little

"They aren't in the future but they do now." I hear the door click and Lindsay and Philip walk in quietly. Lindsay smiles widely and waves and I wave back.

"Oh my gosh they are precious." Lindsay says and comes and kneels by me and touches my girl gently. I see Philip pat Chester on the back.

"How does it feel father?" Philip says and Chester laughs

"It's something."

Vanessa and Veronica soon come afterwords

"Oh my gosh!!!!! They are so cute!" They both say at the same time.

"Are you good?" Veronica asks and I nod

"I'm in pain but I'm fine." I say and they smile

"They are so adorable" Vanessa comes towards me and Veronica goes to Chester. They stay with us for a while and then Mamrie and Hannah comes in.

"How come you didn't introduce me to this girl earlier? She is amazing!" Mamrie says referring to Hannah and she quickly shuts up when she sees the children. They both start to tear up a little.

"Do you wanna hold them?" I ask Mamrie, inching my daughter to her and she quickly nods and takes her in her arms. Hannah carries our son.

"I don't want to drop it." Mamrie says and I laugh

"You'll be fine. You have to carry babies eventually." I say and she smiles

"What are you gonna name them?"

"Timothy and Samantha." I say.

"Creative." Mamrie says sarcastically and I grab Samantha back

"Guess you won't ever carry her again." I say and Mamrie and I laugh.

The doctor soon comes in and gives us advice and talks to us about what's next.

"You guys can go home as soon as today if you would like. We don't wanna hold you here longer than we need to." The doctor says and I nod. They give us the birth certificates. Samantha was born at 6:04 pm and Timothy was born at 6:06 pm.

They are gonna have that who is older argument later on in life.


I hear crying and I groan loudly. Why can't these children just sleep like they are supposed to? I get out of bed and I go to the nursery. Samantha cries get louder and I grab her from her crib, bringing my mouth close to her ear and shushing her. I look at the clock. 8 am. I may or may not have to feed her. I sigh and sit in the rocking chair. I lower the top of my shirt and bring her to my breast. I rock back and forth as she eats

"You a hungry one? You gonna be like your mama and eat 24/7?" I say. I hear footsteps and I see Chester standing in the doorway.

"You wanna grow some breasts and feed Timmy?" I say and he laughs

"Can't you just like balance them on both? I mean isn't that why you have two?" He says as he grabs Timothy from the crib and walks around the room.



"We're parents."


(A/N) Song Choice:Anathema by twenty one pilots

Next chapter is gonna be the last chapter.

This fanfic was great and everything but everything is slowly wrapping up and I think I need to just finish it instead of dragging it out to make it longer


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