The Double Date

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Grace's P.O.V

James' apology was mildly OK, such as I can see why he did it. His father was abusive. And he obviously saw THAT as a father figure. I just..need time. I sit on my desk, with my head down, cause it's spinning. I hear Chester, typing on his laptop. I look up and I see him, working hard. I smile a little bit.

"GUYS! I NEED YOUR HELP!!!" I hear, Hannah yelling int the classroom. I look at her and she truly looks frightened. Chester quickly stands up and goes to her side, grabbing her hands. I smile, as that is such a sweet gesture.

"What?! What is it?" Chester asks

"Ingrid wants to go on another date with me." She says, and I burst out laughing

"What? Isn't that what you wanted?" I ask her

"Um duh. I just, this one I'm really nervous because I want to ask her to be my girlfriend but I don't because I'm scared but I do because I want to call her mine but I don't because what if she rejects me or what if she laughs in my face and I am afraid of love cause what if she breaks my heart ad I need help." She blabbers on and on and I just admire how NERVOUS she is. Oh my gosh it's adorable

"BUT, what if she says yes and you guys fall in love and adopt little Hannah and Ingrid babies?" I say, teasing her.

"That would be amazing, but I want you guys to be there, because you guys calm my nerves, so pretty pleeeeeeeeeeease." She gives us puppy eyes and Chester sighs.

"Fine, what's the time and location." He says

"YAY! THANK YOU" She kisses Chester on the cheek and kisses me on the cheek too. We watch her skip out.

"Love man." I say silently


I get home and I see Mamrie sniffling on the couch. But since I know the difference between her crying over a tv show and actually crying, she is crying over a tv show.

"What happened?" I say, taking off my heels and slouching on the couch

"CHUCK SAID HE LOVED BLAIR!!" Mamrie says in sobs

"This is your 5th time watching Gossip Girl I thought you would be over it."

"SHUT UP!" She throws a Cheetoh Puff at me. I laugh and stand up to go to my room. I yell behind me

"Hey, going on a double date, so you are gonna be alone and cry over Gossip Girl ok?" I say

"shhhhh" I hear her whisper. I laugh and head upstairs to get ready for the date.


After I finished getting dressed, I wait for the doorbell to ring. Once I hear it, I skip down the steps, passing a crying Mamrie and opening the door to see Chester.

"Ready for this double date?" He asks, linking arms with me.

"Let's go." I say as I close the door


We arrive at the restaurant, and I see Hannah and who I am assuming is Ingrid in the back of the restaurant. They are laughing at something and I smile because Hannah has found someone. We walk over to them and they stop laughing and Ingrid gives us a big smile. She sticks out her hand.

"Hi! I'm Ingrid, even though Hannah already probably told you everything about me already." She laughs and looks at Hannah who shapely hangs her head low.

"I'm Grace and this is Chester." We both sit down and we wait for our waitress to come. Once she does, we order and she leaves

"So Ingrid, where did you meet Hannah?" Chester asks

"Oh gosh no." Hannah says while placing her head in her hands

"Oh gosh yes! I can't believe she hasn't told you! It's the funniest thing ever! Ok, so she was at a bar and I was the bartender. She was getting, VERY drunk and she kept telling me about love and relationships and such and all of that sap. Then she said she was gonna drive home and I didn't wanna see her in an accident so I took her. Then I just stayed cause I didn't have my car. I didn't do anything to her of course. I just put her in her room and I slept on the couch."

"I woke up to her cooking bacon and I was highly confused because I barely recognized her but I saw her and I couldn't find words." Hannah says while blushing

"Wow that's quite the story." I say. That's nice of Ingrid though to take care of Hannah when she can't take care of her. And she didn't take advantage of her either. I look over at Chester who keeps drinking his water, not saying a word. I shrug it off and our food arrives. We all eat very quickly, but Chester a little bit faster.

"Um Ingrid, there's something I need to ask you..."Hannah starts and I see how nervous she is. It's so cute!!

"Um, would you be my girlfriend?" She says very quickly. Ingrid just looks at her, not saying anything at all but her mouth turns into a smile.

"Yes Hannah. I would love to!" She gives her a hug and I aw out loud. I look over at Chester who keeps twirling his thumbs

"OK Chester, what the hell? Your friend is happy and you are over here not even paying attention. What is going on?" He doesn't say anything but he does stand out of his seat and props himself on one knee.

"Chester? What are you doing?" I start


(A/N) When you update early cause you wanna
Also cliffhanger cause I love you guys so *blushes*
Also Hannah is me in relationships. I'm terrified of everything she said. And Mamrie is me with gossip girl. But I cried more for Parks and Recreation because I can

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