The Hospital

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"Oh non the less, I must confess that I'm a mess, I've been left to save you."

*3 Months Later, July 5th, 2016*

Grace's P.O.V

I wake up at 2 am, groaning and coughing as I quickly walk to the bathroom and throw up in toilet. I collapse by the toilet and put my head in my hands, groaning louder. I feel a liquid run down my legs. I look down and I see a pool of water underneath my lap.

Well damn.

"CHESTER!" I yell. I hear footsteps quickly later. Chester turns on the bathroom light and scratches his head


"They're coming. They're coming!" I say, struggling to get up. Chester quickly runs to my side and helps me up.

"Are you serious? Now? Today? This time?"

"CAN YOU TAKE ME TO THE HOSPITAL?!" I yell and Chester jumps up, nodding and running back into our room. He pulls out the overnight bag we planned months earlier and grabs the car keys.

"What about the girls?"

"They can come, they can stay, I don't care." I say, getting my phone from underneath my pillow and walking down the stairs slowly, as I text Mamrie informing her on what is happening. I also make a note to text Lindsay at some point. Chester comes down later with the girls.

"What's going on?" Vanessa groans

"I'm in labor. Or something. My water broke." I say calmly, sitting on the couch.

"How could you yell at me 40 seconds ago and then be completely calm now?" Chester asks and I shrug.

"Are we going? Can we stop by Burger King or something? I want some nuggets." I stand up and go towards the car. The girls and Chester comes afterwords.

"You weird, weird women." Chester says and I laugh, than groan, than hold my stomach. I experience a small contraction. Chester looks over to me

"Are you sure you don't wanna go straight to the hospital?" Chester asks and I shake my head.

"I want nuggets." I say as I climb into the backseat and Vanessa climbs in with me, seating Veronica in the front. I lay on Vanessa's lap and she strokes my hair and stomach.

"You okay sweets?" She asks and I nod a little.

"I just want some nuggets." As I say that, Chester starts the car and starts to drive.

"Veronica, how's Zachary?" I ask and I can feel her smile.

"He's good. Our 3 month anniversary is tomorrow. Or today technically." I chuckle a little and I look up at Vanessa.

"Any luck with love?" I ask and she shakes her head, her eyes slightly closed.

"Been on a couple dates. But no luck." She shrugs while she still strokes my stomach.

"Nuggets you say?" Chester asks and I nod, then I realize he can't see me.


"You girls want anything?" Chester says and the girl says their requests and Chester repeats what the girls said to the drive through speaker. After a while, I hear bags crunch and I end up with one in my hands. I quickly pull out a nugget and munch on it, moaning in happiness. Chester starts the car up again towards the hospital.


I lie on the hospital bed, going through a contraction every few minutes. Chester sits by on a chair, looking up every so often and I laugh.

Don't Leave Too Soon (Grester)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin