The Confusion

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"Won't you stay alive, I'll take you on a ride. I will make you believe you are lovely."

Chester's P.O.V

"Rodger Helbig? I've never heard of that name." Grace says, shaking her head

"Not like a native cousin or anything?" I ask her and she continues to shake her head.

"No, no. Never. Oh my gosh." As she says that, two police officers walk in.

"Grace Helbig?" The shorter one asks and she nods. The shorter one pulls off his cap and ruffles his brown hair.

"Well, I'm Mr. Oakley, but feel free to call me Tyler. My partner over there is Troye. he's a little quiet, so I'll be doing most of the questions." The officer says and I nod along but Grace is confused and I look at her carefully. She is going through a lot and the last thing she needs is to be questioned by the police. I can see the bags under her eyes and the stress forming on her forehead. 

"Q-questions? What f-for?" Grace starts to stammer and I kneel next to her, grabbing her hand.

"Excuse me, if I may. Have you been questioned by the police before?" Troye says and Grace hesitates before nodding a yes. 

"I was sexually assaulted a couple of years back and the police had to question m-me. But I couldn't answer their questions because I-I got scared something bad would happen." Grace sputters out and I hold her hand tighter. How come she has never told me this?

"Sound like you could be suffering from some minor PTSD because of this event. I'm sorry, we could come back another day?" Troye suggests and Grace shakes her head.

"No, I-I'll get it over with." Grace says, putting a smile on her face.

"Okay. Has Rodger Helbig ever tried to make contact before this-


Tyler and Troye finish up their questions.

"You guys seem like lovely people. We should meet up for lunch or something. I'll give you my number, Troye doesn't use his phone as much." Tyler says with a wink and gestures to Troye who is shaking his head in the corner. "He was shy until I came into his life." Troye rolls his eyes at this comment and Grace laughs. A genuine laugh. Troye puts his hands on Tyler's shoulders and turns hum around.

"We gotta go babe. But do call us." They both shake our hand and Tyler gives Grace a hug and they exit.

"Why didn't you tell me you get a little anxiety around police officers?" I ask her and she shrugs.

"It isn't a typical topic of discussion. Oh by the way, police officers scare me." She laughs a little bit and sighs.

"It hurts to laugh. It hurts to move. Everything hurts." She says, laying her head back down on the pillow and sighing.

"Life is just so hard. The babies aren't even here and I am already panicking about if I am gonna be a good mother or not. My mother wasn't  good role model, I've never had a good role model. I don't even know how to change a diaper, what best stroller to get. And then what about afterwords? Who is gonna stay with the babies? BABIES Chester. Not one, but TWO, unless the doctor missed another one." She rambles and she starts to cry. I climb into the tiny hospital bed with her and pull her close to me, letting her sob into my chest.

"I'm so scared Chester. So many things could go wrong. Look at today." I kiss her on her forehead and I want to assure her that everything is gonna be okay, everything will be okay. But I know my words can't say a lot.

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