The Past Coming Back

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Chester's P.O.V

*one month later*

Since Grace is 4 months pregnant, we decided we would go visit my parents which are in Virgina. We leave quite early in the morning and Grace looks as though she made her bed in our car.

"Chester." She mumbles

"Yes honey?"

"We..need..a car seat." She says, straining each word and I laugh.

"I know honey."

"We...need...a..crib...and..stroller." She says and twists her head the other way. I pat her stomach.

"I know honey."


"Yes honey?"

"Where's the bin?" I quickly hand her the bin and she rolls down the window for air. A few seconds later, she vomits into the bin and throws it out the window. I give her the wet wipes and she wipes it down and throws it into a plastic bag we have. She pumps her hands with hand sanitizer and wiped the extract onto my free hand. She then starts laughing out of no where

"I just love how coordinated we are with everything. We have our own system."

"Hopefully we can have our own system when our little children arrive. We need names for them Grace. They are coming out of you in less than 5 months."

"I know, but can we worry about whether or not we are taking a maximum of 5 pit stops cause I have to pee." I grab her hand and stroke the surface.

"Of course."


During our first pit stop, I go down the aisles of the chips section and grab two large bags of Cheetos, seeing as though Grace loves them, and I suddenly hear my name being called

"Chester?" The name says again. I spin around and I see a very familiar face, but someone I frankly don't want to see.

My ex girlfriend, Miranda.

"Oh, Miranda. It's not so great to see you, but I'm gonna pretend I'm happy." I say, crossing my arms in front of my chest, the bags of chips laying lazily with the help of my grasp.

"I'm glad your memory of me is still very fond." She says and laughs. I notice a cigarette laying on her ear. I remember kissing her and tasting that taste of ash and I shake my head mentally.

"What are you doing in this part of the US? Shouldn't you be a model in Miami or something?"

"Oh, and are you still teaching in that terrible rotten school in Los Angeles? Remember? Do you still have that desk that we had sex on?"

"Actually, I disinfected it after we did it, but that wasn't enough so I burned it." I give her a smile and she returns the favor.

"Aw, and you didn't save a piece for me?"

"I sacrificed it to your father Satan. Ever since he gave you up for adoption, he wanted a piece of you." She laughs and quickly stops

"How I missed your sense of humor Chester, you were always a great boyfriend."

"I would say the same for you, but you cheated on me, stole 5,000 from my bank account and almost burned down my old house."

"Good times. And old house? What did you do? Burn it yourself?"

"Actually, I moved in with my beautiful, lovely and amazing fiancé a month ago, and she is also holding my children."

"Oh my gosh, your sperm actually works? Shocking, considering we had unprotected sex SO many times."

"Yeah, but I knew you bought Plan B One Step, since, you stole my credit card and I could check the purchase history"

"Touché. Well tell this beautiful wife of yours that I wish her ALL the best of luck with you, you imbecile human piece of living air. Bon voyage bitch." She saunters off, and I roll my eyes and turn around and I see Grace standing there. She has, a look on her face that I haven't really seen before.

"I'll be in the car."


I sit down in the driver seat and I see Grace just eyeing me down. Once I sit down, she opens her mouth.

"I've never seen you like that." She says, her head hanging low

"Grace, she brings out the worst in me. I couldn't believe it took me so long to realize that. I wasn't myself when I was around her, and I had to stoop so below to get to her level, because if I didn't, there was no way around it."

"She seemed like a total bitch and you seemed like a total bastard."

"I'm not."

"I know."

"It's just, that incident, what if you treat me like that?"

"What? Grace? I will never treat you like that, because unlike her, you bring the best out in me." She smiles and I stroke her stomach.

"Can you just kiss me now?"

I laugh and I lean in to kiss her, and it deepens pretty quickly, but she pulls away.

"I don't need triplets." She says, resting her forehead on mine

"Yes, but let's be real now, we haven't had sex in 4 months. Because, you know." I point to her stomach.

"I have needs too Chester." She says and blows a hair out of her face. "Let's do it."

"Right now? Right here?"

"Why not? I know you have condoms. Let's do it."

"Grace, in this car?"

"Chester, do you want to or not?"

"Okay, take off your shirt."


(A/N) This chapter, they were gonna see chesters parents, but I'm like, hey, why not, let's just do this whole thing about this bitch named Miranda. It's funny a cause I have a friend named Miranda and she is really sweet. Whoops XD

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